by Beth Boddy
Washburn Girls’ State Championship T-shirts are now for sale at the Washburn District High School.
T-shirts are $10 each; visit the high school or call at 455-4501 to get your shirt.
Trail caution advised
Use extreme caution on the snowmobile trail through Washburn, as work continues on the Mill Pond. Crews are removing the dam and upper berm. Large orange construction signs have been placed along the trail and large construction vehicles moving along parts of the trail. Please use extreme caution when traveling along the trail from south of the Washburn Trailrunners’ Clubhouse on ITS 105.
School registration
Registration for children who will be entering pre-kindergarten in the fall of 2014 at Washburn Elementary School was held March 17. In order to be eligible for pre-K, a child must be 4 years of age on or before Oct. 15. If you have a child to register, call Debbie at the Washburn Elementary School at 455-4504 to receive pre-registration materials.
Class to host dinner
The Washburn District High School physics class will be holding an Italian Dinner and Silent Auction on Friday, April 4, at the Washburn Elementary School cafeteria. The cost will be $3 for children, $6 for adults or $15 for a family. The fundraiser is to help students attend a physics workshop in Saco that will define physics laws and concepts, while demonstrating through hands on experiences. The students will be meeting with amusement park designers, engineers, and maintenance workers. After each meeting students will experience the laws and forces of physics in action by riding and watching the roller coasters and other rides.
Those celebrating a birthday between March 19-25 include: Timothy Stitham, Angela Farley, Ashley Churchill, David Tarr, Gerald Easler, Graydon E. Buckingham, Meagan Undergust, Lisa Ecenarro, Sandi Cunningham, Daryl Sperrey, Penny Scott, Kathy Drost, Shelia Burtt, Dale Lavway, Roger Crouse, Susan Berube and Grady Churchill.
Those celebrating an anniversary between March 19-25 include: Bill and Leasha Fitzherbert.
Co-op taking applications
Applications for new members in the co-op are still being accepted. You can buy food by bulk or poundage. If interested, email bunny@atimaine.net or call 455-8421 for more information. The next order week will be March 31 through April 5. No one is denied; payment at time of ordering unless other arrangements are made.
Beth Boddy is the correspondent for Perham, Wade and Washburn. She can be reached by calling 455-8427 or by e-mailing bethwood@hotmail.com.