A new partner

11 years ago

By Karoline Dillenbeck
Limestone Community School
Ohh!! What a life I am having as a sock, from being a pile of fibers, to a machine beating me all together to make me. Something horrible happened that day. Right after I was made, the machine that takes the pile of fibers and beats them all together, broke. It bursted into flames. But, the saddest part was, it didn’t have enough time to make my partner. We were going to be the best socks ever invented. Socks that make you run faster.

After the firefighters came and put out the flames, I, Fuzzy, go to that spot everyday where my partner died and try to find someone like me. You can’t just have one leg that runs fast. It will be forever known in the history of socks, Fuzzy never had a partner. I travel the streets everyday looking for a lonesome sock like me, but they all have partners and are hidden in their houses or what you people call shoes. I live in a laundry room in a sock motel. It is across the school, that is called, The Future Hollywood Stars. Everyday when I stroll around town looking for a partner like me, I always hop past this different girl. She is different, she just goes to school to work and never gets caught up into all the clicks of the “want to bees”. She doesn’t have a partner or friend.
In the meantime, I have just given up. Now, my friends, who already had partners, forced me out of the laundry room. They told me to blow off some steam and forget about ever being a pair. Six months passed. I lived on the street. One day I went to the school and seen everyone gathered for a soccer game. I saw that girl that was different. She is talking to her coach and I can almost make out the conversation. I think she was saying, “Why can’t I play?” The coach told her, “You can’t, because you only have one leg and your just too slow for a game.” The girl said, “It’s not my fault some person hit my mother’s car and the engine landed on my legs and they could only save one leg.” After the game, I hitched a ride on the back of that girl’s smart car. I tagged or what you guys called texted all my friends. I may never come back but I think I can makes someones life a whole lot better, so bye, I think. My friends were happy for me. I watched as she went to her bedroom and cried. Without anyone seeing, I went to her room and for some reason she could talk to me, and I could talk to her. I always heard of people that only needed one sock, but never thought it really happened. She said, “What do you want? I said, “I think I can help with your running?” She automatically brightened up. So, I told her my story. “Put me on and just see what happens”. She was in shock, but she put me on anyway. All of a sudden, she could run fast, even with one leg. I realized then, I didn’t need a sock partner like everyone else. I needed something more and that was Bella, my new friend. Bella and I could do so much together and maybe the coach would let us play in the game tomorrow. They were both so excited. Bella couldn’t wait until tomorrow. It was a home game and so Bella was planning to get there about a half hour early to practice with her new sock partner. The coach seen Bella alone and told her we are kicking you off the team. The players were watching her earlier and realized she was amazing. They were playing the neighboring town and Bella was a good friend of the coach. Bella asked if we could play. We were in, because the coach knew how hard Bella tries. We’ll the game was awesome and we won. Some people thought it was a joke, Bella and I on the team, but we were the perfect pair. I was so happy. It was then I realized you don’t need a partner that is so predictable. You must do what you like most and your partner will make sense when you find her or him or it.