City-Wide Yard Sale coming soon

11 years ago

With all the snow on the ground, it might seem hard to imagine that the Caribou City-Wide Yard Sale is just a month and a half away! This is one of the most fun weekends of the year as our streets are clogged with bargain hunters from all over. Sign-ups have begun at the Chamber with placements on the map beginning at $15 for a single family, the same prices as last year. Yard Sale participants can fill out the form in advance by going to our website at and clicking on the Popular Forms link.

Everyone is doing a city-wide yard sale now, but Caribou’s is the original and people really do flock to the city from all over. Full vehicles get here from places like Millinocket, The Valley and Canada as early as Thursday to start scoping things out. Russell’s Motel told me it is already booking rooms for the weekend.
Don’t miss out! Clean out those basements, attics and closets and sign up today! The deadline to sign up to get on the official map is April 25 (we need time to print the maps). So hurry!
Sleeper’s is 100 years old! Can you imagine!? They will have special events all year long, so keep an eye out in the paper. And if you are not on David Sleeper’s mailing list for his weekly emails, I would strongly suggest doing so. Not only does David communicate market trends and what the store does to help its shoppers, but also provides a succinct outline of prices for the week that always make a trip to the store’s Lyndon Street location worth the trip.
I recently delivered a letter from the city to Sleeper’s commemorating the store’s special anniversary.
We are still looking for nominations from the public on who or what we should recognize at our May 8 Annual Recognition Dinner. Please write, call or email me as soon as possible.
After an exhaustive search, Ryan Ellsworth has been named as the new CEO of The County Federal Credit Union. The job could not have gone to a better guy and the Chamber offers its congratulations to Ryan and the Credit Union!
Executive Director William Tasker may be reached in the CACC office at 498-6156 or email him at