By Shelby Barnes
CMS, Grade 6
I had an amazing time interviewing my grandpa, Paul Barnes. Paul was born in Eastport, Maine. He has two sons and three amazing grandkids one of those grandkids is myself and a wife named, Paula. Paul was a door gunner on a helicopter. It was a family tradition but Paul never thought about going to war. So he was drafted. When he was 21. The war had already started when Paul was sent to war.
Paul said the food was excellent everything was homemade, and he really tried not to eat much because sometimes he had to weigh in, and he didn’t want to over be overweight. Paul was assigned a flight suit because he was a door gunner on a helicopter. The weather was rainy a lot of the time. Paul had received three medals and he is very proud of the ones he got. The highest rank he received was SPEC-5. Paul has had one career as a firefighter, and he has received every single title that was possible. So he was a very good firefighter.
Paul’s favorite place he was stationed was in Atlanta, Georgia. Paul likes to play with grandkids, hunt geese and go on vacation with his grandkids. Paul does not call himself a hero. He said “Ordinary people doing extraordinary things.” I would love to interview my grandpa again. He was nervous about doing these interviews, but I know he wouldn’t change it for the world so neither would I.
I love You grampie