Foundation’s charity auction is fast approaching

11 years ago

    HOULTON, Maine — The Horn Restaurant will be the new venue for the fourth annual Health Services Foundation Charity Auction set for May 10.

    “The auction is shaping up to be another great night out for all those who love the thrill of hearing their number called for ‘Sold’ on the item they really wanted,” said Elizabeth Dulin, foundation executive director. “This year will be no exception with a lineup of items to be offered — some great laughs with our regular auctioneer Norris Oakes

of Bangor and changes made in the setup — all making for a fun night. Moving this event up to The Horn Restaurant, will allow several days of set-up time, on-site hors d’ oeuvres, a cash bar, and tables where people can sit, keep track of their bids, and get some good old friendly rivalry going throughout the room when our bidders want to be the winner.”

    Dulin said the Foundation wished to extend thanks to York’s of Houlton for letting them hold this event at the dealership for the past three years.

    “Their generosity got this event off on a really good footing and our new venue is just up the road a bit and just as easy to get to,” Dulin said. “Also thanks to Joyce Transue who did a great job of bringing all the food and drinks for the night. These efforts were more than appreciated by all of us.”

    Currently, the Foundation’s fund-raising efforts are focused on “Gentle Imaging,” a new ultrasound system for Houlton Regional Hospital.

    “This new system will bring to Houlton Regional the optimum in ultrasound services,” Dulin said. “Access to ultrasound could mean the gift of life to patients — image patients of various ages, sizes — and encompasses a wide range of clinical areas. Exams will assist in early diagnosis, treatment and patient follow-up.

    In addition to the number of pieces being donated by local artists/craftsmen, a number of items in this year’s event came from Goodrich’s Jewelry and will offer one more chance to own something that was in the store.

    “There will be delightful items especially for him, for her and for all kinds of occasions,” Dulin noted. “Delighting your taste buds this year will hopefully have everyone raising their paddles in pursuit of some really decadent edibles. This night is a fun-filled auction event and we know everyone will be pleased by a somewhat new lineup this year.”

    Items will be available for viewing on the Foundation’s website at which lists current donated pieces and the site will be updated as more items are added.
    For further information regarding the Foundation, call 521-2147 or visit our website at