Island Falls News

Riva Hawkes, Special to The County
11 years ago

Guests of Mrs. Marion Hoar for Easter dinner have been her daughter and husband, Richard and Rebecca Marquis, Augusta, and sons Rodney, Frank and Victor and their families. Richard and Rebecca returned home to Augusta on Monday, after a three-day visit.

On Sunday, April 27, Linda Depew, myself and Candy McKellar attended the association meeting of the newly formed Katahdin Association held at Washburn Congregational Church in Sherman. Attending the meeting from the Maine Conference was the Rev. Darren Morgan, who gave a short speech on the conference and following this a business meeting was held followed by a short worship service conducted by the Rev. Daniel Proulx.
A supper, prepared by the ladies of the Washburn church, was served and fellowship enjoyed by everyone.
The snow has finally receded quite a bit the past few days and I can now use my entire driveway and see most of my lawn. The next job will be to go out and rake up all the empty sunflower seeds under the bird feeders.
I still have a battle with the squirrels and saw one huddling inside one feeder and busily eating all the seeds inside. He was a little red squirrel and fit right in the feeder easily. I haven’t seen a big gray one in awhile. There are lots of sparrows now and I see an occasional male gold finch and redpolls.
I had five deer the other evening out back of my house grazing away on the new growth they find in the spring. One always comes up toward the barn looking for her apples and bread and I make sure it is there. The others seem to cater to her and don’t try to eat any of it. I have to make sure the big crows don’t fly in and grab the bread before the doe gets there so I keep an eye out for them until she gets there.