Houlton Council of Catholic Women

Lois Downing, Special to The County
11 years ago

The Houlton Council of Catholic Women met Monday, May 5, at St. Mary of the Visitation Church where they convened in the chapel for the recitation of the Holy Rosary. President Lynette Dobbs, Vice President Jane Mitchell and Corresponding Secretary Lois Downing led it.

After Rosary the group assembled in the parish center for their regular meeting and were welcomed by Lynette. Everyone before breaking for the meal said recitations of the monthly prayers. Our pastor, Fr. David Raymond, headed blessing.
The meal was prepared by Lynette Dobbs, Alta Reardon, Molly Bailey, Lois Downing, Louise Guillette, Susan Hardy, Jane Mitchell, Bunny Tidd and the committee helped with preparations and clean-up.
According to plans, Houlton Council of Catholic Women paid for altar flowers and others for the decorations of the First Holy Communion, First Eucharist and Confirmation.
As to saying the Rosary at the nursing homes, it was decided that May 23 is the date. We will be at Gardiner, at 10 a.m. and Madigan at 1:30 p.m. Lynette will contact all persons interested in this worthy intention.
Fr. Dave displayed a large banner in preparation for the celebration of 175 years of faith by St. Mary of the Visitation Church. The banner will be displayed outside of the church sometime soon.
A celebration of the life of St. Maximillion Kolbe will be announced this month, with a dinner and other events. The money derived from this event will be put away to reactivate the Family Life Commission.
A Mother’s Day breakfast was on the agenda Sunday, May 11 after the 8 o’clock Mass in St. Anthony Hall.
Houlton Council of Catholic Women was presented with a first place certificate at the annual state meeting for their donations for the Seminarian Fund.
The EDGE group was offered a sum of money to go towards t-shirts to be worn at their retreat in Portland this summer.
Bonnie Reynolds brought up a long distance program, one that would benefit keeping up with the grandchildren at long distance. Please contact Bonnie or Lynette for this program.
Louise Guillette, mother of Lynette Dobbs and a faithful member will have a profession of faith (Franciscan) June 8 in Waterville. We congratulate Louise for this worthy achievement.
Acknowledgments of birthdays were Alta Reardon and Louise, and anniversaries were Alta Reardon and Tammy Blanchette, all for May.
An end of the year banquet will be announced soon. Please watch for the bulletin. Lynette Dobbs won the door prize. Others present were Mary Grant, Ethel Mersereau, Lois Cassidy, Rose Levesque, Jane Stile and Charlene Tabb. The group broke up early after saying prayers for those requested.