Michaud elected president of Ladies Auxiliary

11 years ago

     PRESQUE ISLE, Maine — Lisa Michaud, of Mapleton, was elected president of the Hayward Frazier VFW Post 2599 Ladies Auxiliary in Presque Isle during a meeting held Tuesday, May 20. Prior to being named president, Michaud served the past few years as secretary of the organization.

Rhonda Greenier was named senior vice president, while the title of junior vice president went to Amy Jordan. Kelly Canney will serve as secretary/treasurer, while Kim Mollins was appointed chaplain and Wendy Gilbert will serve as conductress.
“The organization was established in September 1935. We have approximately 69 members,” said Michaud, whose husband, Randy Michaud, serves as commander of the Presque Isle VFW.
Michaud said to be a member of the Ladies Auxiliary requires meeting certain criteria.
“Women have to come in under a spouse, father, grandfather or child — or if you are a veteran yourself — provided they were in the service and involved in a foreign war. My husband, Randy, was in the military. He’s now serving as post commander,” Michaud said.
Michaud said one of the activities her organization is involved with is the annual Memorial Day Parade, which this year takes place Monday at 10 a.m. in Presque Isle.
“Our role is to support veterans. We’ll be in this year’s parade. We’ll have two side-by-sides. One will be for the grand marshal, 92-year-old Eldon McPherson, who’s also Randy’s grandfather. The other vehicle will be for our Buddy Poppy Princess Catherine Harmon. Buddy Poppy Queen Jordan Canney will also be in the parade,” she said.
While some members of the VFW and Ladies Auxiliary will be walking, rides will be provided for those who can’t walk the full parade route.
“We have a float available for those who can’t walk the entire route, which runs from the Fairmount Cemetery to the Memorial Park across from Freshies,” said Michaud. “The parade will stop at the Park Street Bridge for the traditional throwing of the wreath, in recognition for those lost at sea.”
Michaud said she and others with her group serve in various capacities, helping with lunches, suppers, fundraisers and other events.
“We help with fundraisers like yard sales and bake sales. We hold raffles. We serve breakfast for veterans,” said Michaud.
“We also do a lot for area children. We hosted a Christmas party last December. We recently held an Easter egg hunt. We held a Halloween party last October. We had over 60 youth attend each of those events,” said Kelly Canney.
The ladies will be helping again Monday, serving food following the parade.
“We’ll have a spaghetti dinner after the parade at the VFW Hall beginning at 12:30 p.m. All vets eat for free; guests are $5 each,” said Michaud.
The women also help place flags on veterans’ graves.
Meetings take place the second Tuesday of each month. Supper is served from 5:30-6 p.m, with the meeting beginning at 7 p.m.
“We’re always looking for new members. We’re starting to get younger members — those in their late 20s and early 30s,” said Michaud.
For more information or to become a member, email canney at kcanney@maine.rr.com or call the VFW at 764-5441.