Suzanne (Savage) Brewer has been a recent guest of her mother, Elinor Savage, over the Mother’s Day weekend. While here they enjoyed Mother’s Day dinner at the River Cafe here in town, along with many others from the area.
Clifton Roy was very pleased on May 14 at the turn out of his many friends when he restarted the Country Jamboree. Clayton and Charlene Webb, loyal Jamboree attendees, were there and Clayton even entertained the group with a couple of songs. Refreshments were available and were all consumed before it was time to close down for the night. Everyone is looking forward to next week when the Country Jamboree will again have an evening of singing and dancing and enjoying
good fellowship.
I am still having a fussing time with the red and gray squirrels, so I am not dispensing so many sunflower seeds as I usually do. I had one gray squirrel run over to my neighbor’s bird feeder to see what it could find there. I don’t think it found very much as the squirrel returned to have a try at my feeders. The animal was persistent in trying to hang on with his tail and small claws to hang upside down to get into the bird seed.
I have a lot of swallows still and gold finch, both male and female. And every day, I see a pair of mourning doves busily eating the seeds that fall on the ground, when the squirrels are around. I saw a hummingbird for the first time this year. It arrived May 17 and I immediately put out my hummingbird feeder to keep it happy and fed. My deer are still coming to my back lawn but not until it is almost dark. I saw them the other night about 6:30 p.m. and they stayed until it was almost dark.
I don’t have to cut up any more apples or bread, as they look quite healthy. My back lawn must be full of the stuff they are finding to eat so they don’t come looking for extras.