Purple Hats – May 2014

11 years ago

The Purple Hat Ladies met in Smyrna at the Brookside Inn for a May 13 meeting.
Charlotte Marley was in attendance as leader. Nineteen ladies were present and created much chatting before and after the meal.  Introductions took place when each lady gave her name starting with the first letter of her given name.

Cindy Gray acknowledged those who observed their birthday during the month of May. Gray and Marie Gillotti gave special readings for the meeting. Charlotte Marley read “Mother Made a Meatloaf.’’ She also had a special salute to the veterans in honor of the holiday May 26.
Attending were: from Cary, Jackie Colella, Denise Clark and Joanne Scott; from Houlton, Marsha Reed, Betty Wyman, and Wannetta Townsend; from Dyer Brook, Marie Gillotti and Sandra Wyman; from Oakfield, Dolores Locke, Berniece Campbell, Elaine Barrett, Mildred Gagnon, Alma Clark, Sandra Holmes and Ursula Levesque; from Merrill, Arlene Friel; and from Smyrna, Cindy Gray, Peggy Sanders and Charlotte Marley.
The next meeting will be June 10 at Libby’s Dairy Bar in Hodgdon. Put it on your calendar now.
If you wish more information about the chapter, you may call any of the  ladies listed.