Hamsters are fun-loving pets
‘Mews and Yips’ from the Central Aroostook Humane Society
Carolyn Cheney
Board Member
According to many folks, hamsters make loving, fun pets. I am a dog person, but I was curious about these little fellas, so I did some research about hamster ownership.
One gentleman said his hamster was the best little pet he had ever had, and the only problem was he knew it would not live as long as he would like it to. I think all of us pet owners feel this way about our animal friends. It is one of the most difficult things to lose a beloved pet, whether it is a dog, bird or hamster. Often our pets are our best friends.
In researching hamster ownership, these little furry fun balls just need a suitable cage, proper shavings and an exercise wheel. They need a water bottle which should be changed daily, plus appropriate food. It is important that hamsters be handled as often as possible to keep them active and healthy. When you get a hamster, it is very important that they are handled to become tame. Once they are tamed, they are wonderful pets for children.
Exercise is essential for hamsters, hence the exercise wheel which stimulates them. It seems the hamsters like to do their exercising at night so it is recommended the cage be put a distance away from the humans’ sleeping areas.
Positives of hamster ownership include: they are friendly, easy to look after, they are not very costly, don’t need supervision, can be left alone for relatively long periods of time, and you don’t need to walk them. Hamsters make wonderful pets for children who learn responsibility when caring for them.
There are some negatives to consider: short life expectancy (two to three years), they need to be tamed, occasionally they bite, and their cages need to be cleaned on a weekly basis. Hamsters have a reputation for being escape artists; therefore, when they are out of their cages, they need to be watched closely. Also, keep in mind when they are out of their cages, their bathroom habits might leave something to be desired.
From my research, hamster owners are very enthusiastic about their little pets. They are pets which require limited care and provide lots of love and enjoyment.
There are many unwanted, beautiful animals in this country that do not have homes. To help alleviate this problem, please have your pets spayed/neutered. At the Central Aroostook Humane Society, located at 26 Cross Street in Presque Isle, we have many beautiful healthy animals waiting for a home. Please visit us.