Summer car safety for pets

11 years ago

Gail Wieder
Board Member
    We would like to thank everyone who came out to support our Paws for the Cause Walk. The rain held off and many supporters and their four-legged family members showed up to enjoy a fun morning. All the shelter dogs had a chance to enjoy the walk as well, and over $2,400 was raised. We truly appreciate all those individuals that pledged and helped make this a wonderful fundraiser!
     We have all been waiting for summer, and it is here. The grass is getting green, the trees are budding and the birds are singing. Time to get out and walk our dogs; exercise is great for them and for us too.

    Some of us like to take our animals with us in our vehicles when we go to town to run an errand or two. This is the time of year when it is not good to leave an animal in a car for any period of time. The inside of a closed-up car can reach deadly temperatures, even with the windows part way down. You may mean well by taking the animal with you — you’re only going to be a minute inside the store, just long enough to pick up bread and milk. But what happens if you get in the store and it is busy and you’re 20 minutes before you get back to your car, or you meet a friend or relative you haven’t seen in a long time and you start talking and before you know it an hour has gone by and the animal is still in the hot car?
    Even when parked in the shade an animal can succumb to heatstroke or even death if left unattended. If you have ever parked outside you know that your car will heat up quickly. Heat coming through the windows is absorbed by the interior and the glass acts as an insulator. The temperature in your car can get up to 200 degrees depending on the temperature outside and the kind of vehicle you have and also how long it has been in the sun. Typically a pet will be quiet as heat overcomes them, so there won’t be barking and whining to alert that they are in trouble. Cracking a window doesn’t help, it doesn’t prevent the temp in the car from rising. Leaving an animal in a car is dangerous, deadly and illegal. 
    In June 2011 a bill was passed entitled: “An Act to Improve the Protection of Animals.” This bill offers better protection for animals in distress left in enclosed vehicles — the bill is especially important this time of year.
    Now in addition to animal control officers, police officers and humane agents, firefighters, first responders and even licensed security guards will be able to remove a distressed animal from a motor vehicle. This is very important because often animal control officers cover more than one town or only work part-time, resulting in delayed response time that can be deadly for a dog or any animal locked in a hot vehicle.
    A study by the Animal Protection Institute showed that even moderately warm temperatures outside can quickly lead to deadly temps inside a closed vehicle. Report pets in a hot car to the police immediately.
    Signs of heatstroke include: body temperatures of 104 to 110F degrees, excessive panting, dark or bright red tongue and gums, staggering, stupor, seizures, bloody diarrhea or vomiting, coma and death. If you suspect heatstroke in your pet, seek veterinary attention immediately! Use cool water, not ice water, to cool your pet. More information and tips can be found at
    Visit the Central Aroostook Humane Society at 26 Cross St., Presque Isle. Hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday-Saturday, closing for lunch noon to 12:30 p.m. You can check us out on Facebook or Please be responsible, spay/neuter your pets!


FS-NORMA-DCX-AR-22Contributed photo by Robyn Smith
    Precious, with a sweet personality that lives up to her name, is a two-year-old spayed female currently residing at the Halfway Home Pet Rescue. “Precious has a mellow personality that would go well with any size family from little kids to elderly pet lovers,” said HHPR President Norma Milton. The cat is available for adoption by calling the rescue at 999-1075 to schedule an appointment. Milton said that HHPR is still in need of volunteers to help with the Second Chance Thrift Store to work a two or three hour shift between Thursday and Monday.