Daughters of Isabella update:

Dolores Martin, Holy Rosary Circle #638 Scribe, Special to The County
11 years ago

The Daughters of Isabella gathered at the Parish Center on Tuesday, May 6 for a delicious pot luck supper and meeting. Thirty-three members were in attendance. Lorraine Montieth was the recipient of the 50/50 raffle in the amount of $16.50 and she gave it back to the Circle for the Layette Fund. Birthdays for the month of May were announced and two members were in attendance: Sharon Perreault and Priscilla Foley. Each received a small gift and Happy Birthday was sung.
Opening Prayer was led by Acting Chancellor Josephine St. Peter and Pledge of Allegiance recited.
Roll call of officers showed two absent.
Secretary and treasurer reports were given.
Report of standing committees: Visitation of the Sick – Vice Regent Elaine Haines reported that cards were sent to Doris Martin, Martha Dufour and Jackie Johnson. Cards will be sent to Norma Shaw, Eleanor Gagnon, Johanna Beaulieu, and Loretta Williams. 40 Week Club Vice Regent Elaine Haines reported no winners from our Circle for the month of April.
The scholarship committee, consisting of Omerine Cyr, chair, Mary Ellen Fields, Gail Hjort, and Lue Wark, reported. The $300 book grant will go to Tina Sirois’s granddaughter, Elana Sirois. It was mentioned that we will need to get the scholarship applications to Caribou High School in the first part of September as that is when the students are given the paperwork for the coming year.
New business: a thank-you card was read from Theresa Wunderlich for the card and prayers she received while in hospital. She personally thanked our Vice Regent Elaine Haines for the personal notes she includes in the cards. Mary Ellen also thanked Elaine and for her scrapbooking which was presented on behalf of our Circle at the off-year workshop.
Regent Mary Ellen thanked those who attended the Queen Isabella celebration in Caribou on May 4. Members from the Circles of Madawaska, Van Buren, Fort Fairfield, Presque Isle, and Caribou were in attendance. A program was presented. A catered dinner was had. Door prizes were given out. The Mother’s Day Basket donated by Nancy Saucier of Holy Rosary Circle was won by Mary Campbell of Fort Fairfield. Anne Roy of Van Buren gave an update on the upcoming Acadian Festival being held in August.
A bucket was passed around for donations for the bakeless sale to benefit the Youth Ministry Coordinator to attend a conference in Arizona this summer. Corey Morin will be going along with Leah Desjardin.
Phyllis Belanger brought in a doll representing Queen Isabella and the Circle will sell chances on it. The Second Holy Communion of Faith Formation was held on May 18. Daughters were asked to furnish finger foods. It was moved by Tina Sirois and seconded by Priscilla Foley and Theresa Wunderlich to do this. All in favor. Calling committee will contact the members. Regent reminded everyone dues are due, and to sign the attendance and activity sheet. Obligation taken.
Closing prayer and song, “We Are the Daughters of Isabella,” sung.
Regent thanked tonight’s committee – Elizabeth Beaulieu, Priscilla Foley, Peggy Winston, Madeline Guerrette, and Brenda Corriveau. Next month’s committee will be Vi Cummings, Fern Michaud, Adeline Beaulieu and Norma Shaw. This will be an ice cream social and last meeting until September.
Regent Mary Ellen Fields will be attending the International Convention in Toronto, Canada in August.