Stacyville Strawberry Festival starts Friday

11 years ago

  STACYVILLE, Maine — The 14th annual Stacyville Strawberry Festival returns for another three days of fun-filled activities. All events will take place at the VFW Post in Stacyville.
“The annual summer event is one of the greatest fundraisers of the year for Stacyville, which allows us to support veterans and troops abroad and on our own shores at home,” said Wayne Guiggey, one of the event organizers. “Also, each year we give donations for cancer aid and research, youth groups, veterans hospitals, safety and drug abuse, provide medical equipment, give blood donations, Voice of Democracy scholarships to high school participants. At the same time we attempt to demonstrate patriotism in the community through special ceremonies on patriotic holidays. These have included Memorial Day, Loyalty Day, Flag Day, Sept. 11, Veterans Day and National POW-MIA Recognition Day. Your support helps us to do this.”
The schedule of events is as follows:
Friday, July 11
Photo contest opens and continues until Sunday.
Noon —Chinese auction items on display until Sunday.
3 p.m. — Kids cupcake contest judging.
5-6 p.m. or until gone — Roast pork supper. Cost is by donation.
6 p.m. — $250 raffle drawing and cribbage tournament (adults only). The cost to enter the tournament is $5.
Saturday, July 12
9 a.m. — “All Cancers Walk.” Registration at old school parking lot in Stacyville. The cost is $5. Participants will walk from old school lot to Catholic Church and back. Sponsor sheets are available.  Sheets and fee must be turned in at registration.  For more info call Carey at 365-7719.
9 a.m.-3 p.m. — Flea market/yard sale. Free space for anyone wishing to set up your own table.
9 a.m. — Chinese auction continues.
10 a.m. — Cruise-in car exhibition at Stacyville Town Office lot. Call Tom McAvoy for more information at 365-4613.
10-11 a.m. — Meet and greet our area politicians.
11 a.m. — Auction with auctioneer Jim Pratt.
11 a.m. — Kids games while adults attend auction.
11 a.m.-3 p.m. — Hot dog bus opens featuring dough boys.
5-6 p.m. or until gone — Ham and bean supper w with strawberry shortcake. Cost is by donation.
6 p.m. — Patriotic songs with audience participation.
6:30 p.m. — Flag retirement ceremony.
7 p.m. — $250 raffle drawing.
Sunday, July 13
8-9 a.m. — Breakfast at  the bus ($5 for sausage and pancakes).
9 a.m.-3 p.m. Flea market/yard sale. Free space for anyone wishing to set up your own table.
9 a.m. — Chinese auction continues until 3 p.m.
9 a.m. — Horseshoe tournament ($10 entry). Two classes/pick of the draw. Cash prizes given. Call Wayne at 365-4832 for more information.
10 a.m.— Four-wheeler rides with Katahdin Valley Wheeler Club. See Tom Guiggey for more information. Starts at VFW in Stacyville and returns to VFW.
11 a.m.-3 p.m. — Hot dog bus open.
2-6 p.m. — Live music.
3 p.m. — Photo contest judging.
5-6 p.m. or until gone —Chicken barbecue (cost by donation).
6 p.m. — $250 raffle drawing.
Auction items are needed for Saturday, July 12. You may drop your things off at the VFW post or call for pickup of larger items:  Wayne at 365-4832; Bill at 365-4259 or Allison at 557-4365.