Island Falls News

Riva Hawkes, Special to The County
10 years ago

The Whittier Congregational Church had a very successful Trash and Treasure sale July 26, with many people arriving from the surrounding towns to wander around the different tables to make their choices.

Darcy Ruply was in charge of the homemade ice cream stand and was practically sold out by the end of the sale. Paige Coville was in charge of the jewelry stand and did a booming business, and Candy McKellar sold many tickets on a drawing of Mt. Chase by Suzanne Savage Brewer and the lucky name will be drawn next week. Martin and Doris Pankratz, long time summer residents at their cottage on the pond have had their daughter, Marsha and son Gary and wife as recent guests and all are enjoying the fine weather and assisting, as much as they can, in the process of helping Gary build a new cottage on the pond.
Joyce and Diane Curry have arrived from their home in Portland to spend some time at the Curry homestead and visit with relatives and friends here. They attend all the summerfest activities while here, especially the Alumni banquet, and the VFW chicken barbeque. Despite all my efforts to discourage the persistent gray squirrel from eating all the birdseeds put out he still is there almost within minutes of my filling the feeders. I rush right out and he scrambles like crazy to get away and runs up toward the big fir tree and hides there until I disappear and then, there he comes again.
The last couple of days I have not put any seeds in the feeders and hopefully, he is now discouraged but my gold finch and chickadees are fending for themselves now. My calico cat friend is still arriving every day and keeping vigil at the barn in the hope of catching a mouse, I guess, or else to scare the ground hog.
While mowing the other day I noticed that I have a few skunk holes this year. A few years ago I had a lot every summer so maybe the skunk population has dwindled. Still no deer seen. I think they have all gone to Canada where there are no crews dynamiting for a wind farm and scaring the wildlife.