We are what we think

10 years ago

We are what we think

To the editor:
Gratitude and appreciation are positive charges to the body’s electromagnetic (EM) field that surrounds, infuses and creates the individual. This field is made of subatomic particles that are made of light particles that are made of consciousness units (CU’s).

Thus, certain thoughts can and do quickly change one’s bodily sensations and functions — temperature, metabolism, sweat, waste elimination, etc. and create chronic ailments over time. So we are not only what we eat, but also what we think and subconsciously believe, intend, need and desire. May we acronymize these as BINDS for their unified composition and activation, and our convenience, conciseness and amusement.
We are bound, therefore, by what we BIND. These BINDing CU’s do not exist in space but in the Universal Mind, but they create our light particles, and they form our bodies and activities and attract events while we are physical. They also form our astral bodies in the afterlife. The primary objective of Spiritualism, then, is to raise our BINDS as much as possible in this responsive material dimension for a better life herein and for a more liberated life and higher instructional class and helpfulness in the afterlife, as well as in the present material life.
Feelings of appreciation speed up our particulate circulation for physical and social healing. It can even generate levitation and psycho-kinesis, whereas depressing, faithless thoughts bog down our atomic spin and obstruct natural, healthy processes. They even turned Lot’s wife into a pillar of salt — as in the Bible.
Feelings of appreciation can even be intensified by expressing gratitude to individuals, groups, institution, publications and the I-COS (Infinite Communicator-Coordinator-Synchronizer).

Val Vadis