Catholic Women
Houlton Council of Catholic Women met Monday, Sept. 1, for its first meeting of the 2014-15 season at the parish center, St. Mary of the Visitation Church. President Lynette Dobbs presided with Deacon Al Burleigh in attendance.
Guests were Betty Philips with her sister Annie Bishop, Anita Levesque and Verna Sirois. Betty became a member before she departed for the evening.
Traditional prayers were recited before a potluck supper, Deacon Al offered the blessing. Officers were in charge of the supper: Lynette, Mary Grant, Jane Mitchell, Charlene Tabb and Lois Downing, with everyone helping with cleanup.
Mary gave a summary of the Seminary Fund, an ongoing project of the state and councils, for the guests. Everyone who brought food to help with the roof project was thanked by Lynette, Council was also thanked by our pastor, Rev. David Raymond, for our donation to the same fund.
President Lynette gave a report to members relative to a state meeting attended by her, Janet Barker, and Louise Guillette and explained their recent project, called “Caps of Love.” No interest was found in pursuing this project. Robert Goulet, Fourth Faithful Navigator of Fourth Degree, representing the local Knights of Columbus, spoke to the group. He was accompanied by Isaac Brown; their topic was hosting the Fourth Degree in Houlton and its needs for an upcoming celebration. Bonnie Reynolds gave examples of things she has done with ladies during other Fourth Degree exemplifications. A committee was formed to work on helping the members of the Knights of Columbus: Betty and Susan Hardy, Kathy Kline, Janet and Mary Grant, Jane Mitchell and Bonnie Reynolds.
Phil Hathaway will audit the books for the past year. For the recitation of the Holy Rosary at the Madigan Nursing Home and Gardiner, Lynette said the turnout was wonderful. Rosary is recited at 10:30 a.m.; please check the bulletin for notification as to time and location.
Jane and Tammy Blanchette volunteered to be available to display Council’s historical books for parishioners and others to view. Alta Reardon and Jane Stile will help as Alta and Jane have been busy in this department for a long time.
Rummage sale with Janet Barker in charge was a big part of the meeting. Many volunteered to help in different capacities. Janet also noted that she needs paper products and nonperishable items but mostly volunteers.
T-shirts are available with Mary Grant in charge. Mary is available after and before weekend Masses—the shirts and caps are for sale in commemoration of 175 years of Catholic Faith and St. Mary of the Visitation Church. Door prizes were donated by Jane Mitchell and given to Tammy Blanchette and Mary Grant. Birthdays and anniversaries were acknowledged and Lynette asked for prayer requests and many were given. The next meeting was Monday, October 6.
Ricker Rumblings
by Lois Downing
Season’s greetings to everyone! The foliage is beautiful in Aroostook County. A friend sent me an email this week showing Island Falls, Smyrna and surrounding towns—simply awesome. It’s a blessing we live in this area, no floods, hardly any hurricanes, lots of snow but some places have more! Count your blessings.
A new neighbor of mine is moving in—Bonnie. Haven’t learned her last name. Will as soon as it is posted on the roster. Our community potluck dinner was a success a few Fridays ago. I love potluck, so much from which to choose. One neighbor brought stuffed mushrooms. Have you ever had them? Um-um-um, lots of work, but oh so good. Thanks to all who came, brought their food and participated. It sure is fun to get together and eat as a family.
Walking is one of the most popular forms of exercise. While doing so this week, I learned how out of shape I was. You will see me more in the parking lot from now on.
Margaret Drew, Pamela Richardson and yours truly took a ride to my old haunts in Calais a couple of weeks ago. First stop was McDonald’s where we met up with a fellow who was the oldest son of the person who used to manage my father’s store. His wife worked for Francis Brown, lawyer. It was great to talk to 88-year-old Earl Boyd. We visited the Calais Historical Society where Fred Becker, who lives there at the homestead, showed me my brother’s picture dated 1931 leading into the church, Immaculate Conception, for Confirmation.
What a difference the Calais Free Library looked! Margaret met up with one of her cousins and it was a day to remember for all of us. Thanks, Margaret.
The Houlton Council of Catholic Women’s annual rummage sale is now going on, as I write this on Thursday, their first day of sale. Many people look forward to this sale, dishes, household items, books, shoes, clothes of any kind and color. I hope if you went to the sale you were pleased. All the ladies are involved, one way or another, and their spouses too. It’s a great project.
Patrick Friel is home from the hospital now and he leaves the parking lot many times, in his electric wheelchair. His sister, Peggy Robinson, returned on Sunday. Peggy was visiting her son, I believe, and sent us a picture post card while she was gone. Not many do that anymore, so we were glad to hear from her. We’re glad you are back safe and sound once again.
Caroline Folsom was still moving things from her former residence to Ricker Plaza, as of last week. She will settled in before the cold weather begins. There were lots of interesting items in the Pioneer Times during the past few weeks. Keep abreast of what is going on in Houlton. Did you read the supplement on cancer? The stories of those who survived this dreaded disease are interesting.
One nice person, a couple days ago, left some plums. Thank you. Also, thanks for the apples and other vegetables that have been left here for us to eat. Your kindness is always appreciated. Also thanks to the reliable person supplying me with bags, any kind or quality. I learned lately that California has recently banned or possibly passed a law stating plastic bags are no longer being used there. Are we going to follow suit?
What about the continuous phone calls one gets—info ads, political and otherwise. Some think the calls are a nuisance, usually around supper time when the call comes through, everybody has a beef. What is yours?
Many tenants are still seen on the swings, at Ricker Plaza. The weather and sun still permit it. Winnie Wetmore of Military Street Apartments recently had her sister visiting from down state. She’s left now and Winnie misses her.
With Halloween coming up, I have a placed a pumpkin in the computer room, while flowers, placed in the hallway, are usually arranged by Lavina Byron. She always has a nice bouquet or plant for us to enjoy. Have you seen Lavina’s door recently? Usually her great-grandsons are adorned there. Beautiful twins!
Fun to see the different decorations on each apartment. I need to change mine to go with the season. Since it has been a few weeks since a “Ricker Rumblings” was printed, I was told there were 15 Ricker people representing our community family at the funeral of Jeannie Hall, a few weeks ago. That’s a tribute to her and her friends.
The Aroostook RSVP Arts and Craft Fair will be in Houlton (usually at the Rec) November 28-29. Please mark it on your calendar. The RSVP workers are trying to fill their volunteer program with a new program called “Money Minders,” —clients who need help getting their monthly bills paid in a timely and accurate manner, sort mail, create a budget, prepare (but not sign) checks, balance the bank statement. Anyone good at this, give them a call, 207 764-3396.
My angel thoughts: “My angel is love manifested in glorious physical form. An angel is grace expressed in perfect ethereal beauty. An angel is faith embodied in buoyant spiritual light.” Have a wonderful week, full of joy and no pain.
Island Falls News
Mrs. Richard (Dottie) Martin has been in town for a few days and while here she has visited with friends, checked on her camp at Mattawamkeag Lake and visited with husband, Richard, now residing in Bangor. She plans to return to Pennsylvania, where she will spend the winter.
Nephew Ed Wood has returned home to Wilton, New Hampshire after spending several days at the family cottage on Mattawamkeag Lake and closing it for the winter months. The weather was warm and wonderful while he was here and he got a lot accomplished before he left. The leaves are really dropping fast now and there are plenty of them under my birches and my maple trees will soon be out collecting them with my leaf-catcher and putting them down back in the woods. Once in awhile I spot a deer in the woods when I am doing that and they watch me carefully. ready to leap and run. There is still a gray squirrel that arrives at the bird feeders minutes after I have filled them and I swear he justs sits in a tree and watches me, as he is in those feeders in a flash. The blue jays and chickadees and gold finch find it tough going after he is through eating everything in sight.
I saw a flock of robins on my front lawn one warm day, hopping here and there and having a great time. And one day recently, at about 5.30 p.m. I had a spikehorn and two fawns feeding in my backyard and they worked their way up to my front lawn, right outside my kitchen window, without giving a thought, apparently, to being so close. My next door neighbor had a darn good view of them from her living room, I’m sure, until suddenly the spikehorn gave a signal and they all took off towards my woods. Shortly there after they appeared again and continued to graze until it got to dark too dark to see them. They arrive just about every late evening now and sometimes I have five to 6 of them grazing away peacefully.
Happy Losers meet
By Shirley Sides
On Oct. 1, the first Wednesday of the month, the Happy Losers held the weekly meeting at the Congregational Church vestry in Island Falls.
The leader, Jackie Pratt always opens the meeting with the pledge and roll call. Eight members weighed-in and six attended the class. Jackie Pratt and Cecilia Brown were the losers of the week and Riva Hawkes was runner-up. Great job ladies! So says Sandra A.
Reports were given by the secretary and treasurer for the week. No program for the week as the group was small. Please feel welcome to our humble group every Wed. weigh-ins from 8 to 8:45 am and meeting starts at 9 a.m. Call 365-4884 for more info. See you there!
TOPS gathers
Take Off Pounds Sensibly, Chapter 0233, of Houlton, met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, Oct. 3 meeting. One KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly) was present with 16 TOPS.
Leader Betty Wyman led the meeting and roll call was given. Loser of the week was Brenda Lacostic, with Janette Nelson as runner-up. Janette then gave a report of the monthly treasury. Other reports were given by secretary Cheryl Driscoll and co-weight recorder Joanne Scott.
The 50/50 drawing was won by Charlotte Marley and the skinny dish went to Marsha Reed. Barbara Grant checked on the Halloween contest started a week ago. “Bylaws” was the general topic of the meeting and the annual fall rally in Bangor was also discussed.
The next meeting is Oct. 10. TOPS meets weekly at 8-8:45 a.m. every Friday. A meeting is started at 9 a.m. and generally ends an hour later. Come, enjoy, take off weight and meet new friends.