The Houlton Council of Catholic Women met in the parish center at St. Mary of the Visitation Church Monday, Oct. 6, for its monthly meeting.
President Lynette Dobbs led the meeting and welcomed everyone, especially Gloria Slauenwhite as a guest. Deacon Albert Burleigh offered the grace before our luncheon and then we said our traditional prayers. After our delicious meal headed by the October committee, we resumed our meeting.
Treasurer Mary Grant gave the status of our treasury. Phil Hathaway audited the books and reported they were meticulous. Members were reminded of the recitation of the Rosary: Friday, Oct. 17, at Gardiner and Oct. 20 at Madigan, 10:30 a.m. at both places.
HCCW booklets were distributed to all at this meeting, blue in color and compiled by Lynette, a great job. Ladies were reminded of their food for the 175 anniversary celebration: dates, times, for each to know when to drop off their items at the appointed time. We were reminded that the Mass on Sunday, October 12, is 10 a.m.
For the November project, everyone who wants may bring an item for the animal shelter. They need pillows, padding, paper products, anything an animal can use: food, money, etc. Please watch the church bulletin.
A committee was formed to aid the local Knights of Columbus for the Fourth Degree in Houlton during the month of May. “Chuck” will follow up on this committee.
If anyone wants to head the Craft Fair in December, please get in touch with Lynette or the parish secretary, Patti Sloat. Janet Barker reported on the annual rummage sale. As always it was very successful. Janet is a very hard working person and her work was commended by Susan Hardy. Janet thanked all who helped with this tremendous undertaking and a round of applause was given.
Lynette gave a report, requested by Lois Downing, on the Franciscan ministry program, headed by Lynette and given in the chapel: the program subject being climate changes. Lynette informed members she has access to the show for 28 days, for those interested.
Rev. David Raymond, our moderator, gave a report on the roof and fuel projects. Father Dave, as he is commonly called, said our parish is an old one, not the oldest in the diocese, but one of the oldest. He is pleased to be pastor of St. Mary of the Visitation.
Many names were given for prayers—our list is long. Lynette won the door prize, Halloween objects in keeping with the season. Next council meeting is Nov. 2, 6 p.m. Keep the date in mind. All Catholic ladies are welcome to attend.