Voting in dumbed down America
To the editor:
You can tell its voting time again when the politicians are all over the airwaves making promises they know they can’t keep if elected, but this is dumbed down America being taken advantage of by Democrats who are doing well at keeping people poor and guaranteeing votes to put idiots back in office.
I know that you’ve heard many times that Democrats represent the poor and Republicans represent the rich; nothing is farther from the truth — Democrats and Republicans are just the opposite. Democrats lie to the poor to get their votes and Republicans just sit back and let them do it.
Believe it or not there are more millionaire Democrats than Republicans, and the reason for it is that they make their millions from government programs that they are well versed in and it creates more poor people. We have a lack of jobs in this country, yet for the few jobs that are out there the Democrats do not want to allow restrictions on illegal aliens from coming into the country. Also through very deceptive means the illegals are allowed to vote for the Democrats in public office.
When are Democrats and Republicans going to wake up to the fact that whatever party you are, as an elected official your supposed to represent all the citizens under your watch even though they may be members of the opposite party. I was a lifelong Democrat but when I voted it was always who I thought would represent the people as a whole and do the right thing no matter what their party affiliation was. I changed my affiliation from Democrat to Republican to vote in the primary for Paul LePage, the now governor of Maine.
Paul LePage is a man of integrity and honesty who is trying his best to work with both parties, but Democrats have done their best to besmirch his reputation and all the good things he’s done and tried to do for this state. Shame on the people in northern Maine (not all) who want everything for nothing and place a huge burden on the taxpayers who pay for these “do nothing programs” that don’t work that the Democrats love as well.
If you like to be and stay poor, vote Democrat, they’ve represented the poor for 100 years and the citizens they represent are still poor, pretty great track record huh? With all the past promises made by Democrats who represent us and their wild ideas why aren’t we all rich?
Paul LePage is not against the poor, he is against the programs that keep people poor, and there is a difference. You can also make a good case that some poor people’s priorities keep them poor.
Some say the only way out is more education; we’ve provided funds for a life time to educate our children with the best education they can get, yet out of high school, some students can’t write their own name so its legible to read, can’t make accurate change without counting on their fingers, have a hard time to read. If you want to contest my comments then why do colleges have remedial programs for programs they should have completed in high school with even basic knowledge in these fields? You can fund education with all the money in the world, but unless you put some thought in what’s gone wrong and why Americans are dumbed down, it won’t work.
Everyone deserves a livable wage, but exaggerated escalation of union employee’s wages are the root cause of our loss of all our industries that have moved offshore. The success of an industry or business is in its ability to match the production of others that have hard working employees that are more productive and more in line with costs. This is being exacerbated by the fact the Democrats are leading the charge to bring more illegals into this country to take what jobs are left and have thrown our American citizens under the bus.
Education has to go back in time and enforce the old rule of teaching the three R’s, throw in a little geography, science, civics. Once they have mastered these principal programs, a child can go to college and obtain a degree in any field he or she wants to work and excel in. And let’s not leave out the tech community colleges that are so important to the trade’s people who are desperately needed in a timely situation to keep the wheels of the economy turning in the right direction.
What I have mentioned in this letter also refers to the local situation of unfavorable taxation and the thoughts that some citizens and council members of this community have that big government is the answer to all our needs. The secession movement that is in play at this time in Caribou is a direct result of taxation abuse caused by the public servants of this community.
They have all gone the way of highly unionized industries such as our paper industries which are all closing their doors because of noncompetitive union wages. Give thanks to your Democratic party and their members who have vested interest in holdings of shares in these off-shore companies who are buying up the plant equipment and now service our product needs. These companies will eventually go down with the ship because Americans without jobs have no money to buy anything.
Let it be said that all true Americans should rise up and get our elected officials to do the right thing by applying common sense to the way they judge the true needs of the city, state and federal government so we can get a dollar’s worth for a dollar spent. I would hope that this election will give us some officials with common sense
Wilfred Martin
Why I support Anthony Edgecomb
To the editor:
Aroostook County is a place I have called home my whole life. It is where I raised my family and where I started my business. I chose The County as my home because it is a safe place to live, its people are one of a kind and the natural beauty of the area cannot be matched.
All of this however, comes at a price. Our cost of living is high and continues to rise. As a small business owner I know first hand how tough the economic climate can be, which is why it is important to elect the right people on November 4.
I will proudly be voting for Anthony “AJ” Edgecomb for State Representative and I hope you will do the same. Aroostook County needs a representative who will work tirelessly to change the environment that has been stifling our economic growth for too long. AJ is the right person for the job and I encourage you to give him your support.
Geri Martin
Fort Fairfield
Bellows, a visionary for Maine
To the editor:
Shenna Bellows shares my values, and I share her vision for a better future for Maine. The choice is clear. After 18 years of a pseudo-moderate senator, Maine needs a fresh vision, a senator who will stand up for working Maine families from Kittery to Fort Kent.
Please vote for Shenna Bellows on Nov. 4. She is the real deal.
Gail Maynard
Central Aroostook deserves representation
To the editor:
Twenty-two and forty-two … what do they have in common on November 4?
It’s been 22 years since the residents of Caribou have had a resident senator! That’s right, for 22 years our Senate seat has been volleyed and tightly clutched in the St. John Valley. It’s been 42 years since the residents of Presque Isle have had a resident senator. Essentially, the heart of Aroostook has not had a Senate voice in Augusta for over two decades!
It’s time to bring the Senate seats held from opposite ends of the County (Allagash and Hodgdon), to the heart of the County. Peter Edgecomb from Caribou and Michael Willette of Presque Isle are two well qualified senate candidates who will work together to give the heart of Aroostook County a senate voice in Augusta.
Gloria Duncan
Northern Maine’s strongest voice
To the editor:
In 1986 when I showed up as a freshman legislator in Augusta and saw the traffic going to and from under the dome, I decided to learn the process really quickly. I loved all of it: the policy issues and of course the constituent work. What an opportunity to make a difference! I knew about the importance of that role because as a teenager my mother had asked me to write to then Governor Curtis about a community issue. To my amazement, we received a response practically by return mail. I never forgot the respect of the governor towards an overworked mother of ten.
This is the type of elected official we had in State Representative, Speaker of the House, and Senator John L Martin. From Day One, John understood and executed his role faithfully and diligently, always remembering where he came from and where he would return. Both parties sought his counsel. It troubled me that he wasn’t often given the credit.
In this complicated, challenging world in which we live, we need a seasoned, devoted leader who figured it out a long time ago and is the strongest voice we’ve ever had in the St. John Valley, John L. Martin. I still call on him to resolve issues, and so do many other people.
On Tuesday, Nov. 4, please vote Martin.
Judy Paradis