What are the kids listening to nowadays?
To the editor:
Because of the many political ads that have been played on the radio lately my wife and I have been listening to the radio much more than usual. I must say that I was totally stunned and appalled at most of the songs that are being played on the radio nowadays.
They could not be dignified or one should not dignify them by calling them songs. They were made up of one word or sentence that was repeated over and over again in an uncontrolled hollering or tortured voice. At the least there was no melody or rhyme and were appallingly in poor taste. The songs showed no creative ability in this generation that they tell us is so sensitive and creative.
When will someone have the charity or the sense to stand up and say, “The Emperor has no clothes”? When will someone have the charity to stand up and tell them they can’t sing or that they have no talent?
I wouldn’t mind if the DJ would say, “We are now going to hear some uncontrolled ranting and raving,” but please, for goodness’ sakes, don’t call them songs.
Bernard L.A. Ayotte