File photo 1989 The Lister Knowlton Post 9389 VFW honor guard participated in Veterans Day ceremonies held in Caribou at the Honor Roll on High Street. They are, from left, Jack Parisi, Randy Ford and Peter Miesburger. |
115 Years Ago-Nov. 30, 1899
• Issachar Dow is learning the druggist’s business at S. L. White’s store.
• L. W. Stevens has opened a livery, feed and sale stable in the Burleigh House.
100 Years Ago-Nov. 26, 1914
• A driving directive — All persons are cautioned against driving on the streets of Caribou without bells and the police of said town are especially instructed to arrest all persons violating Chap. 24 and 5 — Milo Whittier, C. H. Baird and Frm. Cyr, Selectmen of Caribou.
• Busy week for Methodists — The Methodist church at Caribou is apparently doing business. Last Sunday, 16 candidates received the rite of baptism, 17 were received on probation and 15 were received into the church as members.
75 Years Ago-Nov. 30, 1939
• Erickson wins $500 in contest — Loueen Erickson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Erickson, New Sweden, won the grand prize of $500 and silver loving cup in the Aroostook Republican’s Shower of Gold subscription campaign. Other big prize winners were Philip Gagnon, Frances Roderick and Shirley Anderson.
• Gold in Aroostook — Richard Langlois (North Caribou) has recently released the information that the different mineral tests taken during the past three years have shown that gold has been found in seven different localities in Aroostook County.
50 Years Ago-Nov. 26, 1964
• ‘Loring Lines’ – News from Loring Air Force Base: The coffee held last Friday by the 69th Bomb Squadron Officers’ Wives Club was well attended despite messy weather. The Loring Contrails Ski Club will meet next Thursday at 7:30 p.m. PTA programs received a big boost from the carnival held at Damon School. Twice in recent weeks, the men of Loring have successfully joined in rescue and recovery missions involving hunters.
• Thanksgiving Day Parades — Captain Kangaroo, Allen Ludden, Bud Collyer and Arthur Godfrey take WAGM-TV viewers to four different parades on “Thanksgiving Parade Jubilee,” Thursday morning at 10 a.m.
25 Years Ago-Nov. 29, 1989
• Washburn’s Adams breaks soccer record — The scoring record for Washburn Girls Soccer was broken this year by senior right wing Holly Adams. Adams finished this year with career totals of 34 goals and 15 assists.
• Caribou lit up for holidays — Telephone pole decorations around Caribou are up and there are more of them than last year, according to Kris Blancq, executive director of the Chamber of Commerce, who thanked city firefighters for handling the labor and Maine Public Service for making arrangements in a timely fashion.