Spooner, Bailey recognized for milestone Masonic membership

10 years ago

CARIBOU, Maine — Members of the Caribou Masonic Lodge recognized Wendell Spooner and Steve Bailey earlier this month for their milestone years of service with the fraternal organization. Spooner, a New Sweden resident, has been with the organization for 50 years and Bailey, of Caribou, has been a Mason for 25 years; both are past Masters of the lodge.

To honor their decade-spanning Masonic commitment, Spooner was presented with a 50-year medal and Bailey was presented with a 25-year pin.
“As Master of this lodge it is an honor to see these two men recognized for their hard work and dedication,” said Master of the Caribou Lodge Ralph Conroy, who is also the director of the Caribou Regional Technology Center. Conroy also commented that too often, service like that of Spooner and Bailey goes unnoticed.
According to David Spooner of the Caribou Masonic Lodge, who is also Wendell’s son, both honored Masons have worked tirelessly in support of the numerous programs supported by lodge, like ringing bells around the holidays to fundraise for the Salvation Army, helping out at Red Cross blood drives, and bringing the Bikes for Books program to the local schools.
Louis Greenier, past grand master of Masons in Maine and  Richard Wark, district deputy grand master of the First Masonic District of the Grand Lodge of Maine, presented the awards to Spooner and Bailey.
After comments by both men, along with several by those in attendance, the Lodge returned to the business of the evening which saw Tyler Drake and Jason Nardone initiated as the newest member Entered Apprentices in the lodge; four new applications were also read as part of the evening’s work.
“As a newer member of Caribou lodge, it is so nice to see applications read and new guys coming in on the same night that these more seasoned members are being recognized. It shows the traditions of Masonry are alive and strong here in Aroostook County,” said Mason Erick Bechtel, who is a senior technician for Maine DOT.
The meeting began after a meal of prime rib, baked potatoes, string beans and homemade bread pudding served to both Masonic Lodge members and guests.