Council eyes increased fees

10 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — In a continued effort to find new ways to increase revenue, the town council is considering changes to the fees it charges to rent the Gentle Memorial Building.
During Monday evening’s council meeting, a proposal to increase the fees was moved forward by the group. A public hearing on the rate hike will take place Monday, Dec. 8.

Currently, the town charges $150 for a full day to rent the Gentle Memorial Building, but that fee will go up to $200 if the measure is approved. Additionally, use of the gymnasium only is $25 per hour from Oct. 14-April 30, but that fee will go to $30 per hour.
The group is also considering adding several new categories to its rental plans for the building from Oct. 14-April 30 with the creation of a game room only fee ($30 per hour); gym/lounge combo ($40 per hour); and game room/downstairs lounge combo ($40 per hour).
The fees for May 1-Oct. 13 would be: gymnasium only ($35 per hour); game room ($35 per hour); gym/lounge combo ($50 per hour); and game room/downstairs lounge ($50 per hour).
Councilors are also considering adding a banner advertising program to the Gentle Memorial Building as a way to further bump up its revenue.
In other agenda items, the council:
• Appointed Sue Tortello to the Houlton Planning Board for four-year term expiring in September, 2018.
• Named John Bushey to the Zoning Board of Appeals for three-year term.
• Accepted a donation of $461.75 from Tortello, which is pro-rated amount of her stipend as a town councilor.
• Authorized the town manager to execute a municipal release deed that discharges any remaining interests in the former Sincock Mill Road.
• Accepted a grant of $6,180 from the Health Services Foundation to be used to purchase three Panasonic Toughbook tablets for the Houlton Ambulance Service.
The next regular council meeting is schedule for Monday, Dec. 8 at 6 p.m.