HOULTON — University of Maine Cooperative Extension will provide professional development for after-school providers from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday, Jan. 19, at the Aroostook County UMaine Extension office, 25 School St., Suite 210 in Houlton.
The 10-hour training will highlight positive youth development concepts suitable for after-school programs and the interactive 4-H science curriculum. The agenda includes webinar overviews of the 4-H Afterschool Academy and 4-H science resources; an e-learning course for 4-H volunteers; and two in-person training sessions on the 4-H program model and the 4-H science curriculum.
The course fee is $60. CEU credits are available. Registration deadline is Friday, Dec. 19; register and find more information online at umaine.edu/4h/youth/how-can-you-participate-in-4-h/afterschool/academy. For more information or to request a disability accommodation, contact Jennifer Lobley, 207.255.3345, 800.287.1542 (in Maine), jennifer.lobley@maine.edu.