Sen. Collins maintains perfect voting record; hasn’t missed roll call yet

10 years ago

    BANGOR — Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine) will begin the 114th Congress as the longest, currently-serving senator having never missed a roll call vote.
    During a ceremony in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 6, Sen. Collins was officially sworn in to her fourth term in the United States Senate.

    On December 16, Collins cast her 5,734th consecutive roll call vote, continuing her perfect voting record in the Senate. Sen. Collins has voted in every single roll call vote that has occurred in the Senate since she was sworn into office in January of 1997.
    “I take the responsibility that has been granted to me by the people of Maine very seriously,” said Sen. Collins. “It is my honor and privilege to represent our state in Washington, D.C. I continue to be inspired by former Sen. Margaret Chase Smith who worked so hard, and never missed a vote in 13 years before surgery forced her to miss her first vote.”
    Chase Smith cast 2,941 consecutive votes over 13 years before missing her first vote on September 6, 1968.