The Houlton Council of Catholic Women met in the parish center of St. Mary of the Visitation Church to start the new year of 2015 Monday, Jan. 5. President Lynette Dobbs conducted the meeting. Kimberly Levesque was a guest.
Treasurer’s report was given and approved. Lynette read correspondence from several who replied to our Christmas cards. Sue Cassidy and Anita Graham and the Goodie Bags were mentioned and appreciated. Anita Levesque spoke on the Christmas Tree Craft Fair given in December, which she chaired.
Anita reported all the tables were rented and the leftover food was sent to the Food Pantry. All was deemed successful. It was reported all tags on the Giving Tree were taken — the tree was sponsored by another committee and again it was very successful. Some gifts were given to a family whose home was wiped out by fire.
Janet Barker reminded us about giving cookies and bread to shut-ins. For new business a nominating committee will be set up soon and a discussion on the Valentines and the Valentine bags took place. Polly, Lois Cassidy and Anita Levesque were observing birthdays in January. Lots of names and groups were given for prayers. Janet Barker won the door prize.
The next meeting will be Monday, Feb. 2.