Maine DOT announces series of public input meetings

10 years ago

    The Maine Department of Transportation is looking to “Talk Transportation” and seek public input regarding transportation issues during a series of public meetings throughout the state in February, March and April.
Input from the meetings will help MDOT in two ways. First, it will assist them in understanding the needs of the public and various stakeholders to help the department formulate its Long-Range Needs Assessment. The Long-Range Needs Assessment documents anticipated transportation system needs for the future 20 years, with a greater emphasis on the next 10 years. Public input is an important part of this long-range planning process.
These meetings will also help the department in gathering input on short-term issues and needs.
The meetings will consist of a brief presentation by MDOT staff regarding the department’s processes. followed by interactive discussions to gain input from the attendees.
Unless otherwise noted, each location will host two meetings on the same day to ensure more people have a chance to attend. The meetings will be held from 2-4 p.m. and 6-8 p.m. on each date, unless otherwise specified. Meetings are slated for Feb. 23 in Frenchville, and Feb. 25 in Houlton. On Tuesday, Feb. 24 there will be meetings in Presque Isle at Northern Maine Community College’s Edmunds Center, 33 Edgemont Dr.
For more information, call Jay Kamm, senior planner at NMDC, at 498-8736 or Scott Rollins, assistant director of planning, MDOT, at 624-3300.