WOODLAND, Maine — Woodland Consolidated School Principal Susie Schloeman and Union 122 Superintendent Karla Michaud presented their reports at this month’s Woodland School board meeting, complete with a list of activities the school was involved in over the past month.
Woodland received the Northern Maine Math League scores for the fall of 2014, and grade six placed fifth out of eight, grade seven placed sixth out of eight, and grade eight placed sixth out of eight; the Woodland team placed fifth out of nine teams overall.
Currently Susan Plissey is coaching the Cross Country Nordic team this year, and she has 10 skiers from Woodland on the Union 122 team.
Melanie Lagasse, food service manager for New Sweden Consolidated School, has been sending backpacks filled with nonperishable food home with Woodland School students to help families in need. The backpacks go home with the students on Fridays and if returned they are refilled for the following weekend.
Lagasse has been invited to attend a child nutrition conference co-hosted by the Alliance for a Healthier Generation and the Pew Charitable Trusts. She will be in Washington, D.C. February 23 and 24. She will have the opportunity to speak about her school meal program, smart snack and backpack success stories.
Woodland held their spelling bee on January 15 and the winner was fifth-grader Amanda Poulin, runner-up was sixth-grader Krysta McLaughlin.
On Jan. 22, Ed Antz from Maine School Management conducted a school safety training session for all food service personnel, bus drivers, and custodial staff. Antz warned about the hazards of slips, trips, falls and muscle injuries. He also reviewed the top 10 custodial violations and high-risk activities. The staff involved received certificates following the training. Woodland staff included: Carrie Hewitt, Denise McCormack, Bob Ekman, Roland Belanger and Alice McBreairty.
The Woodland school’s food service provider submitted her resignation effective March 1, 2015. She leaves the school to work full-time at Cary Medical Center. An ad has been placed and Superintendent Karla Michaud hopes to hold interviews in February for her replacement.
Board member Travis Prashaw suggested sending a letter to nearby Caribou Police Department asking for a non-paid service of having an officer available in case of an emergency. This would alleviate the Woodland school from depending on state police, who can take longer to arrive to the school in an emergency situation.
Current enrollment for the Woodland Consolidated School: Pre-K has one student, kindergarten has 11 students, first grade has 10 students, second grade has 14 students, third grade has 11 students, fourth grade has 17 students, fifth grade has 14 students, sixth grade has 17 students, seventh grade has 7 students, and eighth grade has 16 students; a total of 118 students.
Woodland Consolidated School’s Winter Carnival is scheduled for Saturday, March 7.