Stop trapping and hounding

10 years ago

Stop trapping and hounding

To the editor:
The president of the Humane Society of the United States has reported that a 2016 initiative to ban trapping and hounding (excluding baiting) is possible, but no official decision has yet been made.

I urge him to strike again at the heart of the beast of man’s insensitivity and cruelty to Earth’s innocent creatures and its consequent climate rage to warn and awaken us to our compassionate, loving, innermost Self in all.
But please drop your ban on hounding, also, for natural history is replete with the excitement of carnivores chasing their meals, and sometimes getting hurt doing it. But it cannot compare with the unnecessary hell of trapping.
Isn’t it time for mankind to create a new, sensible self in the image of a compassionate God? How stupid to think that the earth we grew out of does not have a mind and heart of its own.

Val Vadis