Gun bill is a bad one
To the editor:
LD652 is a bad bill. I have owned guns for over 70 years and served on the battalion rifle team in the U.S. Army.
This winter I was involved in a road rage incident while on the way to the post office. I don’t know if the other driver was having a bad day, was on drugs, or was mentally unbalanced, but he was a wild and scary man. The woman with him looked very brow beaten and nervous. If a gun was mixed into the situation, I might not be here today.
Guns are fine, provided responsible people own them. It is not in the public safety or interest of the state of Maine to enact this bill. Allowing anyone to pack heat any place, any time is dangerous for children, domestic disputes, the general public and law enforcement.
Lawmakers, if you can’t be part of the solution, please don’t be part of the problem. LD652 is a bad bill and shouldn’t become law.
Bob Tweedie