Specials should be kept in schools

10 years ago

Nathaniel Labreck
& Cassidy Moore
Grades 7 & 8, Caswell
This is Nathaniel Labreck and Cassidy Moore, and we are telling you to keep specials in school. We think specials should be kept in school because they teach you things. You can learn things like how to play an instrument and they help you with your art skills. Another reason is that they’re fun because you can make things, hang out with friends, and do activities.

A special that we want to keep in school is drama. One reason why we want to keep drama in school is because of plays. You could become really good at acting and become an actor when you get older. It’s also a good way of connecting with friends. Another special is shop class. Shop class could be very helpful for the future if you ever need to build something. We really think you should keep specials in school, they’re good for people. We hope you agree with us, and this is the end of our article.