Hodgdon voters OK budget

10 years ago

 HODGDON, Maine — Residents who attended Monday night’s town meeting in Hodgdon approved a municipal budget of $606,814. About 30 people attended the meeting, which lasted about an hour. The budget is up $36,000 (6 percent) from last year. The spending plan does not include the Aroostook County tax or SAD 70 budget figure.

According to Hodgdon Town Manager Jim Griffin, contributing factors to the budget increase were driven by road maintenance and general government.
The cost for winter roads for Hodgdon is $187,500, an increase of $24,500 (15 percent) over a year ago. Ambulance service contracted through the town of Houlton increased by $822 to $17,124. The Officers and General Government expenses were raised $5,200 from last year to $134,000.
The residents also voted for the town manager to print 400 town reports and make those available at the town office for pick up, with those who are elderly or shut-in being able to request one by mail.
Re-elected to a three-year term for the board of selectmen were Dan London, with 55 votes, and John White, with 49 votes. For the SAD 70 school board, David Harris was re-elected with 45 votes; Ronald Silliboy, Jr., received 18 votes as a write-in candidate. There is still an opening on the SAD 70 board for a two-year seat. Griffin will contact those who received votes as write-ins to see if they are willing to serve. Incumbent Tom Horton did not seek re-election.
The town of Hodgdon budget committee added one new member, Deborah Jagow Wynes. She will serve with John Benn, William Dobbins, Charles Wallace, Vaughn Farrar, Bruce Folsom, James Hemingway, Emery Lincoln, Tammy Mulvey and Arthur Sloat.