BPW luncheon is April 22

10 years ago

    The Caribou Business and Professional Women (BPW) will host the 15th annual Employee Appreciation Luncheon Wednesday, April 22, at the Loring Job Corps Community Center dining room from 12-1:30 p.m.

    “This is a great way to show your employees that you appreciate their hard work,” club officials said. “This promises to be a relaxing, entertaining and memorable event for your employees, male or female, one they will appreciate for the entire year.”
    The luncheon will feature a buffet, along with a chance to win door prizes. Following lunch, entertainment will be a spring fashion show.
    Proceeds will benefit the BPW’S scholarship program. The club awards three scholarships annually: the Viola Willard Memorial High School Senior Scholarship, the Interim Scholarship and the Non-Traditional Scholarship.
    For more information, contact Shelley O’Rourke at 551-0111 or sorourke1@ maine.rr.com.