Lender aids Maine Agri-Women convention

10 years ago
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    Kristi Bray, financial officer of Maine Agri-Women, and Diane Hemphill, co-chair of the Steering Committee and corresponding secretary, receive a $5,000 donation from Fred Morton, Jr., executive vice president, and Peter Hallowell, vice president, both of Farm Credit East in Presque Isle. The funds will help sponsor the American Agri-Women national convention later this year in Portland, which will be hosted by Maine Agri-Women.

    Maine Agri-Women will host the American Agri-Women national convention in Portland later this year, and recently received a donation from a local lender.
    Farm Credit East recently donated $5,000 to the group to support the American Agri-Women National Convention, slated November 5-7 in Portland. This donation will sponsor one of the luncheons at this four-day convention. 

    “Maine Agri-Women are appreciative of Farm Credit East’s donation to this year’s national convention and continued support of our organization,” said Pam Townsend of Mars Hill, president of Maine Agri-Women. “We are excited to showcase the beautiful state of Maine and to sample many of the products raised and grown here at this year’s convention.” 
    “Maine Agri-Women play an important role in educating the public about the importance of agriculture to the economy and the environment,” said Fred Morton, FCE executive vice president.
    The convention will encompass the group’s annual business meeting and will feature speakers and workshops. It is an opportunity for members of American Agri-Women and their affiliates nationwide to come together and discuss current issues impacting agriculture across the nation.
    Maine Agri-Women was organized in Aroostook County in 1992 to unite and promote agriculture awareness. Other officers include: Emilee Currie of Presque Isle, vice president; Judy Kenney of Castle Hill, immediate past president; Dixie Delong of Blaine, secretary; Sandra Durepo of Fort Fairfield, treasurer; Diane Hemphill of Presque Isle, corresponding secretary; and Kristi Bray of Woodland, financial officer.