The Daughters of Isabella, Holy Rosary Circle #683 held their April meeting on April 7 at the parish center in Caribou.
Regent Mary Ellen called the meeting to order. The 50/50 raffle for $11.50 was won by Michelle Hersey and she donated the winnings back to the Circle. She and Rena Lagasse celebrated April birthdays, as “Happy Birthday” was sung and each received a small gift.
Opening prayer was led by Gail Hjort and Dolores Martin, past regents. The Ode and Pledge to the Flag were recited. Roll call showed seven absent and 10 present. Secretary’s report was read and accepted. The treasurer’s report was given and filed for audit. The Circle received a thank you from scholarship recipient Ethan Caron. Vice Regent Elaine Haines reported cards were sent to Theresa Wunderlich, Doris Albert, Beverly McNeal, Lucille Wark, Vi Cummings Sirois and Omerine Cyr last month. Prayers were requested for Judy Dubois and Doris Albert.
Four layettes were given to Cary Medical Center last month and one in the community. Priscilla Foley donated pink slippers. Because the layette supply is going down, a motion was made and accepted to bring items in May; most needed are: onesies, Pampers, receiving blankets and sweater sets. The calling committee will remind members.
Regent Mary Ellen is sending a letter of confirmation to the local Knights of Columbus who will be putting on the banquet for our 75th anniversary on Oct. 18, more information on this at later meetings.
No one from our Circle won the 40-week club. We are waiting for the big drawings at the State Convention in Augusta on May 16-18. There are a couple of books to sell on these theme baskets for $1 each or six for $5. Regent reported both the state and international circles are updating their bylaws and we as a circle will be doing ours.
Discount cards, good at 18 venues in Caribou and Presque Isle, are still being sold through any of the Daughters.
Under new business, a letter was read from Corey Morin, youth minister director for Parish of the Precious Blood, for a donation to attend the annual Youth Leadership week in Scottsdale, Ariz. in June, with $200 approved for this.
Recording Secretary Bea Pirie asked to have Bingo at the social in June, at the last meeting prior to fall. Each member would be asked to bring a little gift. More information will be provided in May.
The refreshment committee members, Phyllis Belanger, Dolores Martin and Bea Pirie, were thanked, with note of the Easter motif. Door prizes from Phyllis were given out.
Obligation was taken and the meeting closed with prayer and song.