Island Falls Notes

Riva Hawkes, Special to The County
10 years ago

On Saturday, May 16, Marion Hoar, Riva, John Stevens and Barbara Pelletier were volunteers at the Upper Room in Sherman, which opened for business at 10 a.m. and closes at 2:00 p.m.

Business was a bit slow at first but it soon picked up and many of our regular customers arrived to pick up just the right thing for them to wear (or use). There was a bit of a rush just before closing time, but we were on our way home a little after 2 p.m.
On Saturday, May 16, a craft fair was held at the Lumberman’s Museum in Patten with many tables set up, including one that Candy McKellar and Shelly Stevens were in charge of. A good many people attended this affair and all enjoyed the good weather, the music during the sale and the food that was available during the day.
Have just learned recently that my good friend, Clayton Webb, has been “under the weather” recently and is now at Mountain View in Patten, where he is undergoing rehab and I’m sure he would be very happy to receive get-well cards. Wife, Charlene, and son, Dale, see him every day and he is slowly improving.
In the past few days I have not taken out very many sunflower seeds for the birds so haven’t had too many of my feathered friends around. The weather is still cool enough, so I plan to trot out real soon and refill the feeders and keep all the birds (and squirrels) happy.
I happened to be looking out my picture window the other day and watched a crow fly in and light on a branch of the birch tree out back. The branch he landed on broke off and left him fluttering his wings like mad to keep from crashing to the ground. Now, when I am looking out, he has chosen another branch, higher up, and sturdier looking, to perch on.
I haven’t seen my four deer in several days and I imagine it will be some time before they reappear, and maybe they will bring their newborn fawns with them this time.