Charlotte Marley, Special to The County
9 years ago

Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) held their weekly meeting at the Aldergate building on Kelleran Street Friday May 29, with 15 TOPS and KOPS members in attendance.

Leader Bessie Wyman opened the meeting with the TOPS pledge followed by roll call. Loser of the week was Betty Ivey and Denise Clark was runner-up. Joanne Scott reported the weight room statistics followed by the secretary’s report.
This was the last day for the current contest and Marsha Reed announced that Joanne Scott was the winner with the most colorful fish. Plans were discussed about the upcoming workshop in Caribou on June 6.
Betty Ivey was the 50/50 winner and Charlotte Marley won the Skinny Dish. Several members reported on different ingredients in foods that make them healthier for us to eat, including butter vs. margarine, wheat bread vs. white bread and Splenda vs. Stevia. This will be continued next week, so bring in your comparisons to share.
For more information about TOPS call Bessie Wyman at 532-6191.