1915: Ask about the Hupmobile

10 years ago

115 Years Ago-1900

• Forest fires have been raging for two or three days and the atmosphere is very smoky in consequence.
• A new school paper called The Arcturus is issued this week by the senior class of the Caribou High School.

100 Years Ago-June 3, 1915

For the car buyer — “Ask the head of the house. Chances are he’s a hardheaded business man. Ask him about the Hupmobile. He will probably begin by telling you that he looks upon the Hupmobile as an investment,” proclaimed an advertisement for “Hupmobile, Car of the American Family”; $1,200, 5-passenger touring car or roadster.
Equal rights — “Housekeeping as a business requires brains and executive ability,” declared an advertisement for Aroostook Telephone & Telegraph Co. “The business man would not think of trying to do business without a telephone. Is it fair for him to expect his wife to try to do business without one? A residence telephone is as necessary as an office telephone.”

75 Years Ago-May 30, 1940

    Air Reserve coming — A unit of the Civilian Air Reserve is to be formed in Aroostook County in the near future, according to announcement by J.J. Howlett, chairman of the Caribou Airport Committee, today. Organization is well under way; a charter signed by 25 interested airmen of this section has already been sent to the Toledo, Ohio, national headquarters.
A bit of history — Of interest to passers-by is the window in the Currier and Mockler furniture store, Sweden St., which contains various sizes of dolls dressed by the Girl Scouts of the Brownie troop to represent their grandmothers. Each doll has an identification card, also stating the place of birth of each grandmother.

50 Years Ago-June 3, 1965

    Birthday in New Sweden — Brent Jepson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jepson, observed his 13th birthday. His guests were Alan Jepson, Charles Nelson, Dana Carlson, Warren Nielson, Ronnie Ericson, Tommy Lennon, Philip Nichols and Anne Jepson. Brent’s gifts included a cake made by his grandmother, Mrs. Henry Anderson.
Local rights effort — A member of the Community Conscience Council will be held at Gray Memorial Methodist Church . The program and discussion will be centered on the civil rights movement. William Manning, chairman, will preside over the business meeting.

25 Years Ago-May 30, 1990

    Honored with cane — Elsie Soderberg, 90, was presented the Woodland Historical Society’s cane designating her as Woodland’s oldest citizen. There for the presentation at the Caribou Nursing Home were Mrs. Soderberg’s son and daughter-in-law, Ivor and Monica Soderberg, and son Richard Soderberg. Elsie came to the area in approximately 1922 and was married to the late Carl Adolph Soderberg.
Hosting convention — Caribou hosted the 65th annual Daughters of Isabella state convention. State Regent Lorraine Cox of Caribou presided and was re-elected. Rev. John L. Shorty and Very Rev. Romeo St. Pierre, former Holy Rosary pastor, were present. Entertainment at the closing banquet was the oration “Patriotism: A Path of Peace” by 11-year-old Ryan Anderson of Caribou, with the song, “Patriotism, Pass It On” composed by the Anderson family and accompanied by Tom Cox.