Maine Epsilon Masters honors longtime members
Maine Epsilon Masters recently met at the home of president, Nancy Nichols. Memorial books for deceased sisters Julie Ballard, Marcia Carroll, Marlene Kelly and Wilma Cambridge-Dempsey were circulated and will be delivered to family members by Judy Kenney and Helene Bernard.
Thank-you notes were read from GIFT and House of Comfort for recent donations. Nichols invited sisters to attend and support Relay for Life in Caribou on June 19. Founders Day was discussed and attending members were very impressed with the meal prepared by Loring Job Corps.
Sisters honored 50-year members Muriel Blotner, Ginny Packard, Iris Towle and Sue Lougee with Golden Awards and pin, and 60-year members Do Hutchins and Barb Hews with the Diamond Award and pin.
Sisters were invited to the camp of Mae Gerrish on July 21 for a summer outing and to the camp on June 20 at 2 p.m. to honor Bill Gerrish with a celebration of his wonderful life.
Incoming officers were installed for the upcoming year and delicious refreshments were enjoyed by all.