Region Two celebrates first final awards senior banquet

10 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — The graduating class of 2015 seniors celebrated the first CTE (Career & Tech. Ed.) Programs banquet for Region Two seniors at the Houlton National Guard Armory May 19, 2015. The event kicked off with a brief introduction by Region Two CTE Director, David Keaton, followed by an honor guard procession of Region Two Law Enforcement students and presentation of flags followed by the singing of the national anthem by special guest Tammy Goetsch. Director Keaton then invited the students and their guests to enjoy a buffet dinner.

Following the dinner, CTE Director Keaton recognized administration and guidance officials from their partner schools. Outstanding seniors who won medals at the annual SkillsUSA competition, OHSA card recipients, and Region Two student of the year, Early Childhood Education senior, Michelle Birmingham, were also recognized.
Guest speaker and Cooperative Board member, Mark Ganzel, delivered the keynote address. Ganzel cleverly devised a survey of Region Two students, in advance, asking about the challenges and successes that they experienced at Region Two during their two year CTE programs. The results of the survey were read on stage. Students and guests were touched by the words of the senior students who shared their appreciation for the rigor and relevance that their chosen CTE programs afforded them.  They wrote about how their Region Two experience prepared them for future challenges in education, careers, and military options and life in general. After a rousing applause, Mr. Ganzel exited the stage and Keaton thanked him and also thanked the Army National Guard, and SFC Galen Thompson, for making the Armory available for the ceremony.
Keaton then called Applied Academics Instructor, Bo Zabierek, to the stage to announce each programs’ senior students, whom Keaton presented with a program certificate and posed for pictures, while the program Instructors of each trade shook hands and congratulated their program completers. After the student recognition ceremony, Keaton thanked everyone for coming and dismissed the crowd of about 200, students, parents, educators, and friends of Region Two.