Council of Catholic Women

Lois Downing, Special to The County
9 years ago

Houlton Council of Catholic Women met in the parish center of the St. Mary of the Visitation Church on Monday, June 8, for its annual banquet and installation of new officers.

Outgoing president Lynette Dobbs greeted everyone and welcomed Seminarian Alex Boucher and Deacon Ron Ouellette and Deacon Albert Burleigh. Alex will spend the summer here under the tutelage of Rev. David Raymond, moderator. Bethany Tabb, daughter of Charlene, was also a guest and helped with the meal.
After the usual council prayers, we all had a delicious meal, prepared by Charlene Tabb and Anita Levesque with several other ladies helping. Fr. Dave offered the grace before the meal.
Installation of new officers with installing officer Janet Barker was as follows: president, Susan Hardy; vice president, Jane Stile; recording secretary, Tammy Blanchette; and treasurer, Mary Grant.
Lynette noted that Lois Downing resigned as publicity agent and secretary after over 60 years of serving the council in one office or another.
The seminarian fund was distributed. The council voted a substantial amount of money for the roof fund.
Father Dave, as he is commonly called, gave great praise for our Houlton council as he spoke. He reminded members of Rita McDade’s hospitalization, Marie Jenkins’ sickness, Jean Adams in Madigan House and Bill Roach at the Gardiner facility.
Mary Grant and Charlene Tabb added comments about the Houlton Knights of Columbus exemplification held in Houlton during May. It was very successful. Charlene and Mary also gave their monthly reports.
Janet Barker spoke on the annual rummage sale in October and said volunteers are needed.
President Lynette reminded members of the Rosary to be said on the third Friday at Gardiner. Anniversaries and birthdays were acknowledged.
Attending were Bunny Tidd, Rose Levesque, Jane Stile, Lois Downing, Yvonne Blake, Louise Guilmette, Alta Reardon, Ethel Mersereau, Janet Barker, Lynette Dobbs, Jane Mitchell, Mary Grant, Susan Hardy, Bonnie Reardon, Charlene Tabb, Anita Levesque, Tammy Blanchette, Judy O’Mara and Kathy Klein.
The new president, Susan Hardy, closed the meeting with the hope of seeing everyone in September.