Cheryl Driscoll, Special to The County
9 years ago

The Take Off Pounds Sensibly, chapter 0233 of Houlton, met at the Aldergate building on Kelleran St. Friday, July 3.
There were 14 TOPS and one KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly) present.
TOPS president, Betty Wyman, led the meeting.

The person who lost the most weight was Diane Folsom and the runner up was Marsha Reed. The skinny dish was won by Marsha and the 50/ 50 by Diane. The meeting was shortened because of the holiday on Friday.
Members are reminded that on July 10, elections of officers will be held. Please make plans to attend.
Weigh-in is from 8-8:45 a.m.; the program starts at 9.
The group has encouraging meetings to help get healthy. All are welcome to come join and make new friends. Dues are $1 per week.