From our Files: Headlines from 100 years of local news

10 years ago

100 Years Ago – July 14, 1915
Aroostook Times
Barn raising incident — Late Tuesday while a crew of men were putting up a frame for a barn at the home of David Campbell in Littleton, the frame blew over, throwing the men to the ground. Among those injured or shaken up were Kenneth Adams, Alfred and David Campbell and Ike Tebo. It was a marvel more of the ten at work were not hurt.

United in holy bands — A quiet wedding occurred at the Methodist parsonage in Danforth Saturday evening when Miss Berla Trafton of Danforth and Leroy W. Whittier of Houlton were united in holy bands.
75 Years Ago – July 11, 1940
Houlton Pioneer Times
Three for the Fourth — There’s a strong strain of independence in the Hanning family of Monticello. Miss Kathleen Hanning, age four was born on the Fourth which happened to be the birthday anniversary of her grandmother Mrs. Benjamin Hanning. Last Thursday, Kathleen had a brother, born also on the Fourth of July.
File photo 1940
BS FromFiles dc pt 27COMMENCEMENT SPEAKERS — Earning honor parts from Houlton High School’s Class of 1940 were, from left, Phyllis Drake, valedictorian; Doris Drew, salutatorian; and Barbara Somerville, third honor essayist.

A safer summer — From the Editor’s column: There will be a fatal automobile accident between Houlton and Nickerson Lake before the summer is over as passing motorists stopping to pick up kids on the way to a swim, allow them to ride on the running board, clinging to the side of the car.
50 Years Ago – July 8, 1965
Houlton Pioneer Times
Rain boosts thirsty beets — Thirsty sugar beets really picked up with the rain that fell this week. Despite extremely dry June weather, the hardy beet plants continued steady growth with Aroostook beets rapidly catching up with those planted earlier in central Maine.
Battery B trains nine — Forty-three men, representing the five Batteries of Aroostook County’s 152nd Artillery Army National Guard left for six months training with nine men from Battery B of Houlton spending eight weeks at Fort Dix, N. J. They are: Gary Campbell of Island Falls; Russell Morgan of Sherman Mills; Clifton Drake, Daniel and Eugene Jewell, Michael Nickerson, Dale Porter, Bruce Reece and Terrance Scott of Houlton.
25 Years Ago – July 11, 1990
Houlton Pioneer Times
 Lambert School scholars — Lambert School held an awards assembly on June 19 where Principal Barbara Burton presented the following awards: “A average” award recipients were Sara Tonzi and Mary Mersereau, fifth grade; Tasha Smallwood, Kristine Howe and Deanna Donohue for sixth grade. “All A” awards were presented to fifth graders Courtney Good, Kathy McLaughlin, Erin Matthews, Tyson Cumming, Kristen Erickson and sixth grader Kristie Rossignol. Elissa Sabatis received the good citizenship award.