The Daughters of Isabella held their last meeting until fall on June 2, 2015 at 6 p.m. at the parish center. An ice cream social was put on by the June committee consisting of Gail Hjort, Adeline Beaulieu, Tammy Nadeau, Vi Cummings Sirois, Sharon Perreault and Norma Shaw.
The 50/50 raffle was won by Rita Worley, who gave it back to the Treasury. Norma Shaw was the recipient of a small birthday gift and “Happy Birthday” was sung.
Prayer was led by Past Regent Gail Hjort. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, the secretary’s report was read and approved, and the treasurer’s report was given and filed for audit. Roll call of officers showed five absent.
The calling committee was to remind members to furnish sweets for Father Ray Morency’s going-away reception June 14, and was to be in touch for the going-away party for Sister Mary Kelley on July 12.
The annual parish picnic was to be held at Holy Rosary on June 7, with regent Mary Ellen to man a table with brochures about the organization.
Visitation of the Sick: Vice Regent Elaine Haines reported cards had been sent to Omerine Cyr, Doris Albert, Theresa Wunderlich, Diane Saucier, Lucille Wark and Elizabeth Boucher.
Layette chairwoman Gail Hjort reported that four layettes were given out last month and thanked all who brought items.
Regent Mary Ellen Field reported on the state convention held in Augusta in May. Father Lionel Chouinard, state chaplain, celebrated the memorial Mass, and it was also his 50th anniversary in the priesthood. Holy Rosary was awarded the Unity Award at the convention.
Also at the convention, theme baskets, including this circle’s featuring gift-wrapping, were raffled off, and Bishop Robert E. Deeley celebrated the Installation Mass. Ten members had participated in the 40-week club, bringing back $30 for the treasury. The international convention will be held in Henderson, Nev., next August.
The nominating committee presented the following slate of officers for 2015-2017: regent, Mary Ellen Field; vice regent, Elaine Haines; immediate past regent, Gail Hjort; financial secretary, Claire Randolph; recording secretary, Dolores D. Martin; scribe, Bea Pirie; banner bearer, Rita Worley; first auditor, Priscilla Foley; second auditor, Lue Wark; third auditor, Rena LaGasse; chancellor, Jeanine Morneault; custodian, Michelle Hersey; monitor, Madeline Guerrette; first guide, Michelle Raymond; second guide, Phyllis Belanger; inner guard, Josephine St. Peter; outer guard, Doris Albert. It was moved by Gail Hjort and seconded by Theresa Wunderlich to accept the slate as presented, with all voting in favor.
Dolores Martin asked members if they wanted to continue with the discount cards program, and all voted to do so.
The obligation was taken and the regent wished everyone a happy summer.
Closing prayers were for members Theresa Wunderlich, Judy Dubois, Doris Martin, Doris Albert and Norma Bouchard. Bingo was enjoyed after the meeting.