Houlton Middle-High School

9 years ago

Houlton Middle-High School recently announced the third-trimester honor roll for grade 6, and the fourth-quarter honor roll for grades 7-12, for the 2014-2015 year. Included were:
GRADE 6 — Highest honor principal’s award: Emma Ardell, Marissa Boyce, Natalie Britton, Daniel Bryant, Caydon Campbell, Emily Crane, Isabel Cyr, Gabriel Fitzpatrick, Drew Foley, Hannah Foster, Morgan Graham, Brittany Hagan, Rachel Hatfield, Jonathan May, Bailie Melvin,

Lindzi Nelson, Sidney Peabody, Raegan Perfitt, Alexandra Reed, Brandon Roshto, Hunter Sennett, Abigail Swallow, Quinn White, Thomas Wilcox and Kyla Woods. Honors: Claire Appleton, Seth Bagwell, Michael Beaton, Gunner Bither, Logan Bowmaster, Mackenzie Campbell, Brandon Clark, Lewis Cole, Justin Cook, Zachary Currier, Meysha Dahlk, Aryus Desjardins, Alyssa Drake, Emmalyne Drake, Devin Folsom, Emma Folsom, Josiane Ford, Halee Grant, Whitney Gravel, Justin Hannigan, Mitchell Hardy, Morgan Harris, Rebecca Howe, MacKenzie Joslyn, Kameron Lindsay, Christian Lively, Madelyn Lloy, Destiny Lord, Elijah Matheson, Joshua Monteith, Kale Neureuther, Deborah Nichols, Kyle Ojeda, Rhylee Parsons, Natalie Putnam, Wendy Smith, Robert Spinney, Damien Suitter, Taylor Toby, Sebastian Torrey, Ronald Trecartin and Christopher Violette.
GRADE 7 — Highest honor principal’s award: Alyssa Abbotoni, Morgan Barrows, Cameron Callnan, Jason Collett, Samantha Condon, Nathaniel DeLucca, Elisabeth Desrosiers, Samuel Drew, Madison Dunn, Rylee Faulkner, Amelia Findlater, Paige Ford, Taylor Fore, Lif Gaug, Keegan Gentle, Carson Grant, Madison Grant, Thomas Griffin, Sara Howland, Amelia Ivey, Nolan Jacobs, Grace Johnson, Martha King, Sydney Lorom, Noah Reynolds, Ethan Rollins, Jonathan Smith, Joshua Valle, Isaac Vega and Abigail Worthley.  Honors: Michaela Alexander, Thomas Astle, Eli Bulley, Kennedy Buzzeo, Catherine Cole, Lexi Crouse, Lindsey Dunn, Emma Foster, Jarret Fournier, Jaron Gentle, Adeline Gilpatrick, Gabriel Green, Brittney Hulstrunk, Jonus Joslyn, Gabriel Ledger, Samantha Lorom, Kassi McGary, Alana Mullen Emily Pelton, Andreana Philbrook, Jasmine Phillip, Elizabeth Phillips, Andrew Seder, Matthew Seder, Dynel Shannon, Jordyn Tibbetts, Dawson Toby, Grace Toupin, David Tucker and Zachary Weeks.
GRADE 8 — Highest honor principal’s award: Matthew Bouchard, Jamie Brown, Elizabeth Dunn, Ryder Graham, Benjamin Grant, Gabriella Guiod, Jillian Haggerty, Ian Neureuther, Jada Nimer, Nolan Porter, Laci Scott, Kelsey Sewell, Sydney Sides, Rothery Sullivan, Rhetta Vega, Alexander Wilde and Caroline Woods. Honors: Tyler Bailey, Logan Beaton, Hunter Boyce, Nicholas Brewer, Tyler Bubar, Thomas Caron, Brianna Clossey, Helen Cordero, Taylor Cowan, Cameron Cram, Melanie Donahue, Makenzie Fitzpatrick, Riley Fitzpatrick, Heather Hannigan, Wyatt Harvey, Michael Joslyn, Brandon Levesque, Peter Lloy, Caitlyn Lorom, Tyler Macdonald, Mercedes McAfee, Duncan McCormick, tiffany Muncey, Donald Ouellette, Alyssa Peabody, Tristin Phillips, Molly Schneider, Michael Schools, Racheal Sutherland, Laruen Swimm, Darren Thornton, Davan Thornton and Orlando Valle.
GRADE 9 — Highest honor principal’s award: Kolleen Bouchard, Kristen Brewer, Dylan Crockett, Nicholas DeLucca, Zachary Fitzpatrick, Tyra Gentle, Kristen Graham, Zachary Hagan, Amelia Hanning, Ellen Hatfield, Abraham Lorom, Benjamin Lowery, Kody McCordic, Dawson McLaughlin, Addison Michaud, Emily Miller, Carolyn Mooers, Rebecca Mooers, Nicholas Perfitt, Garrett Perkins, Trynity Plummer, Damon Reynolds, Kyle White, Anessa Wilde and Parker Willard. Honors: Bernadette Anderson, Dakota Beaulieu, Duncan Bradshaw, Colby Callnan, Jonathan Carmichael, Melindsey Connors, Jeremy Cook, Jacob Critcher, Aspen Flewelling, Jacob Forest, Claire Gilpatrick, Carolyn Hannigan, Justin Hogan, Devin Ivey, Kiersten Langley, Sakima Lee, Alexandria Maker, Tyler McAfee, Daniel McNally, Alexis Miller, Dominic Miller, Morgan Phillips, Sierra Rhoda, Michael Ross, Isaac Schools, Harmony Tompkins and Timothy Youngfellow.
GRADE 10 — Highest honor principal’s award: Madeleine Blanchette, Chloe Davis, Hannah Foley, Danny Gillotti, Emma Hines, Brooke Howland, Hannah Jacobs, Dylan Johnston, Joshua Lezotte, Kate Newman, Emma Peterson, Tessa Roshto, Rylee Warman and Olivia White. Honors: Jennah Blake, Isaiah Brown, Jade Clossey, Sarah Delano, Medinah Diane, Alexandria Fore, Jacob Fox, Owen Gallop, David Gogan, Cameron Graham, Morgan Grant, Victoria Holmes, MacKenzie Hunt, Hunter Keehn, Andrew McEwen, Jessica Michaud, Ambre Ouellette, McKenley Pierce, Cody Queen, Zachary Quint, Zachary Reece, Taylor Reed, Josiah Sherwood, John Thatcher, Elizabeth Ward, Jacob Worthley and Rikkilyn Wortman.
GRADE 11 — Highest honor principal’s award: Amira Abouleish, Jacob Brown, Adam Casillas, June Choi, Megan Collett, Erika Fitzpatrick, Chelsea Gentle, Natalie Hill, Amber Ivey, Rachelle Provost and Justin Queen.  Honors: Samuel Astle, Lexi Bartlett, Benjamin Boutilier, Cameron Clark, Kaitlyn Condon, Ryan Dee, Riley Ellison, Piper Flewelling, Wyatt Folsom, Abigail Fore, Connor Grant, Jessica Hemingway, Lauren Hogan, Emma Huot, Noah Jackins, Laura McEwen, Kelly McLaughlin, Samantha Montrose, Morgan Nelson, Mariah O’Neal, Evelyn Pratt, Sydney Richardson, Aaron Sewell, Carlton Tweedie, Jordan Violette and Olivia Winslow.
GRADE 12 — Highest honor principal’s award: Kyle Bouchard, Jacklyn Condon, Emily Dickison, Rebekah Emery, Keegan Fitzpatrick, Hayley Flewelling, Emma Gallop, Dakota Gramour, Nia Hamilton, Daniel Hermann, Dustin Hines, Noah Holmes, Jill Howland, Amber Hulstrunk, Janelle Levesque, Emily Mooers, Jacqueline Ouellette, Danielle Provost, Haven Rhoda, Natalie Rush  Caleigh Sullivan, James Trecartin, Tessa Winship, Brady Wolsleben and Morgan Wotton.  Honors: Madelene Anderson, Kenneth Bagwell, Laura Beals, Anthony Bonilla Ethan Bouchard, Emily Brown, Connor Bulley, Cameron Clark, Jacob Condon, Christopher Currier, Mohamed Diane, Jacob Donovan, Jacob Drew, Kali Emerson, Samantha Farrar, Nicholas Guy, Nicholas Hagan, Seth Hannigan, Tyler Hannigan, Daniel Howe, Jacob Jones, Caila Keber, Jeramie Ledger, Mark Lewis, Autumn London, Michelle MacDonald, Lucas Peabody and Dwayne Willigar.