Aroostook County Superior Court

10 years ago

CARIBOU — The following cases were heard at the Aroostook County Superior Court during the month of April.

Drew G. Abbott, 29, Washburn: probation violation, five days in jail, probation partially revoked and probation continued.

Melissa Lee Bartlett, 32, Madawaska: probation violation, probation partially revoked and probation continued, no sentence imposed.

Eric M. Beckwith, 39, Crouseville: burglary, withdrawn.

Jessica L. Brown, 32, Caribou: probation violation, five days in jail, probation partially revoked and probation continued.

Maria L. Caparotta, 25, Caribou: operating while license suspended or revoked — operating under the influence, $1,000 fine.

Wayne S. Clark, 73, Ashland: wasting of a wild bird or wild animal and possession of antlerless deer, dismissed (each).

Mark S. Cyr, 41, Madawaska: operating after habitual offender revocation, $500 fine and 30 days in jail; and assault, $300 fine and 12 days in jail.

Reynold H. Daigle, 77, Presque Isle: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, dismissed.

John A. Eskedal, 58, Monticello: violating protective order, $250 fine.

Stewart H. Haggerty, 44, Lewiston: reckless conduct, $500 fine; and driving to endanger, dismissed.

Chad M. Hamilton, 26, Presque Isle: criminal mischief (four counts), dismissed (first, second, third) and $200 fine (fourth).

David Izzo, 32, Presque Isle: operating after habitual offender revocation, priors (two counts), $1,000 fine, six months in jail (first), nine months, one day in prison (second); and violating condition of release, $1,000 fine and 90 days in jail.

Adam V. Jackson, 36, Presque Isle: operating after habitual offender revocation, priors, $1,100 fine, 18 months in prison, all but six months suspended, and one-year probation.

Gary M. Ketchen, 41, Wallagrass: cultivating marijuana, $750 fine; and violating condition of release, dismissed.

Robert Lavertu, 19, Garfield Plt.: operating while license suspended or revoked, dismissed.

Nicholas Scott Leavitt, 23, Presque Isle: operating after habitual offender revocation, dismissed.

Dennis Legassie, 67, Presque Isle: theft by deception, dismissed; and unsworn falsification, $800 fine.

Wayne R. Levesque, 46, Van Buren: fraudulently obtaining license or permit and hunting without valid license, filed on $100 costs (each).

Kurtis Madore, 27, Presque Isle: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, dismissed.

Benjamin Marquis, 22, Saint Nicolas: aggravated trafficking of scheduled drugs, dismissed; aggravated furnishing of scheduled drugs, $10,000 fine, seven years in prison.

Jess McBreairty, 51, Allagash: terrorizing, possession of antlerless deer, shooting from motor vehicle or motorboat, hunting without valid license and criminal mischief, 50 days in jail (each); violating suspended or revoked license (two counts), $500 fine and 50 days in jail (each); violating condition of release (seven counts), dismissed (first, third, fourth, fifth), 50 days in jail (second, sixth, seventh); hunting or possessing deer during closed season and exceeding bag limit on deer, $1,000 fine and 50 days in jail (each); and domestic violence terrorizing, criminal trespass, operating ATV under the influence over 21, loaded firearm or crossbow in motor vehicle, operating while license suspended or revoked and disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures, dismissed (each).

Travis McDonald, 28, Presque Isle: arson, 18 years in prison, all but four years suspended, four years’ probation and $126,332.09 restitution.

Leroy McKenzie, 46, Blaine: assault on an officer, $750 fine, 12 months in prison, all but 60 days suspended, one-year probation and $245.71 restitution; and obstructing government administration, 30 days in jail.

Bethann Montpetit, 36, Masardis: disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures (two counts), $200 fine (first) and dismissed (second).

Northern Timber Trucking, Fort Kent Mills: violating dyed fuel prohibition, dismissed.

Daniel Joseph Ouellette Jr., 22, Caribou: burglary (two counts), 10 months in prison (each), $6,668.28 restitution (second).

Jesse C. Parker, 30, Mapleton: probation violation, six months in jail, probation partially revoked and probation continued; violating condition of release (two counts), 60 days in jail (each); theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, 60 days in jail, $12.06 restitution; and unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $400 fine and 60 days in jail.

Ashley Rasmussen, 24, Caribou: theft by deception, 19 days in jail and $500 restitution.

Dustin Sandbeck, 20, Chapman: disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures, $300 fine.

Matthew R. Sands, 32, Caribou: assault (two counts), two years in prison (each); violating condition of release, six months in jail; and theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, priors, two years in prison.

Daniel R. Sparks, 42, Fort Fairfield: probation violation, probation partially revoked and probation continued, no sentence imposed.

Matthew Tardie, 25, Portage Lake: reckless conduct, $500 fine.

Terry D. Thompson, 51, Washburn: disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures, $100 fine; and assault, dismissed.

Joshua J. Tracy, 27, Caribou: OUI, priors, $1,000 fine, two years in prison, all but 30 days suspended, and six years’ license suspension; operating while license suspended or provoked, prior, $600 fine, seven days in jail and one-year license suspension; and violating condition of release, seven days in jail.

Kara L. Voisine, 42, Presque Isle: forgery, 60 days in jail and $5,088.43 restitution; misuse of identification, 30 days in jail.

Daveena L. Waugh, 32, Castle Hill: unlawful possession of scheduled drug (two counts), $1,000 fine (first), dismissed (second); and cultivating marijuana, dismissed.


Edwin D. Weiland, 38, Presque Isle: unlawful possession of hydrocodone, $400 fine and 13 months in prison.