More than 100 attend Island Falls HS reunion

9 years ago

    ISLAND FALLS, Maine — On Saturday, Aug. 1, 103 alumni and guests gathered at the Municipal Building for the annual Island Falls High School reunion, to celebrate the Class of 1965 and to share memories of their school years.
The evening began with the flag salute and an invocation given by classmate Rev. Dr. Gary Mooers. Following a buffet meal catered by Big Valley Sno-Club of Island Falls, the business meeting and election of officers were held. Elected for 2015-16 were: president, Sharman Drew Ball, ’69; vice president, Verna White Jones, ’71; and secretary/treasurer, Rebecca Joy Drew, ’69.

    The scholarship committee consists of the officers as well as Annette Michaud Stevens, ’69, and Keith MacKenzie, ’64. The entertainment committee will be volunteer members of the class of ’66 with Darlene Hartin, ’69.
The roll call of classes began with a standing ovation for Helen Mitchell Sherman, ’32. At age 101, Helen is the oldest graduate living, the oldest citizen of Island Falls and holder of the Boston Post Cane for the town. Helen served as Grand Marshall of the Island Falls Summerfest Parade held Sunday, Aug. 2.
Rodney Palmer, ’37, was the only other of the 1930s decade present.
From the ’40s were Ophelia Duguay LaPore, ’41; Malcolm Palmer, ’43; Mabel Lenetine Desmond and Ron Pelkey, ’46; Marion Lane Hoar, ’47; and Dr. Harold Sherman, ’48.
From the 1950s: Merlyne Porter Ryan, ’51; Walter John Bishop, Donna Stevens Curry, Joyce Curry and Barbara Thorne Pulkinen, ’52; Richard Ryan, Edward McGraw, Virgil Lynch, Carole Clark Starr, Marilyn Hartin Noyes and Richard Pulkinen, ’53; Darrell Jones and Nancy Pendleton McGraw, ’55; Charles Pelkey, Jeannette Cameron Sherman, Sylvia Morrison, Shirley Pipes Sides and Donna Bishop Furrow, ’57; and Priscilla Stevens Young, Merrilee Sherman Kirby, Beverly Dickinson Long and Eric Pettengill ’58.
From the 1960s: 1961 Philip Curry, ’62 Wendall Roach and Sandra Pipes Anderson, ’63 Mary Hathaway Sherwood, Betty Astle Harris, ’64 Keith MacKenzie and Richard Armstrong, ’66 Gail Webb Davis, Mary Margaret Hunt Walker, Darrell Hartin, ’67 Kathy Mooers Beran, Nancy Palmer Kennedy, Candy Newman Rupley and Rebecca Joy Crew and 1969 Winnie White Desmond, Valerie Lake Powers and Darlene Hartin.
From the 1970s: Susan York Archer and Laura Jones Farnsworth, ’70; Verna White Jones, ’71; and Randy Curry, Patti Desmond Hartin, Sona Smith Hallett and Amy Joy Detour, ’72.
The Class of 1965 celebrated their 50-year anniversary beginning on Friday with a gathering in “the Grove.” Eleven of the 16 remaining members of the graduating class were honored at the reunion banquet, including Ted Pettengill of Patten, Durand Smith of New Mexico, Rev. Dr. Gary Mooers of Virginia, Dianne Curry of Portland, Scott Edwards of Bangor, Sharon Desmond Porter of Old Town, Jane Emerson of North Carolina, Suzanne Banton Cates of Florida, Larry Givens of Litchfield and Brenda Webb Willette and Diana Porter Daniels of Island Falls. Each shared memories and updates with the group.
Seated at the head table with the class were spouses and guests, Terry Pettengill, Terry Smith, Sue Edwards, Marc Poulin and former teacher/principal Henry Joy with Mary. The class also made a donation to the fund for the restoration of the Island Falls High School Bell Tower in memory of deceased classmates.
Entertainment of a video of the 1965 Log yearbook and community memories was prepared and presented by Ted and Terry Pettengill. The evening ended with the school songs, led by Rick Ryan, ’53, and Ted. A benediction was given by Keith MacKenzie ’64.
Attending in addition to the graduates were Janice Palmer, Sue and Dan Haney, Penny Womble, Giovanni LaPore, Jane Aiudi, Ruth Townsend, Jim Hathaway, Rudy Raymond, Bunny Ryan, Doris Lynch, Vicki Noyes, Sonny Starr, Marilyn Jones, Joan Pelkey, Bob Sherman, Rose Bragdon, Don Hallett, Edgar Young, Polly Curry and Ralph Powers, Gary Springer, Margaret Palmer, Jackie Anderson, Karen Roberts Flores, Margaret Palmer and Olivia Anderson.