Friends and family honor Humphrey

10 years ago

Friends and family honor Humphrey

By Beth Boddy

Resident honored

Several of Ardis Humphrey’s friends were invited to attend a luncheon at the Fraser Mansion in Madawaska on Thursday, Aug. 13, 2015.  This was an event hosted by Ardis’ cousins Paula Plissey and Joyce Meagher, to honor and celebrated Ardis, a most generous, giving and caring friend.  

Ardis has devoted her adult life to generously helping others.  She has baked and delivered countless birthday and wedding cakes all over Aroostook County and beyond.  

She has been totally devoted to her children and grandchildren and is known all over The County for her expertise in photography.  Ardis does not accept any recognition for her generosity. She is a friend to all and loved by everyone.

Song of Praise

  Kelly O’Mara offers a song during the Washburn August Fest’s gospel concert, held Sunday, Aug. 16 to cap off this year’s festival.

Back to school

School in Washburn is back in session.  Please be cautious driving in town before and after school hours when many students are walking.  

Also, please be aware of the school busses picking up and dropping off our students. Remember, it is illegal to pass a school bus when it has its red lights on.


Those celebrating a birthday between Aug. 26 and Sept. 1 include:  Kevin Kidney, Jenesa Ingraham, Sandy Buckingham, Justin Farley, Tiffany Bragg, Tiffany Carter, Rodney Tarbox, Nolan Cunningham, Jennifer Olson and Dan Robertson.


Those celebrating an anniversary between Aug. 26 and Sept. 1 include:  Mike and Peggy Kelley, Joe and Germaine Whitten, Loren and Judy Johnson, Tom and Bette Olson and Rodney and Shelley Chavez.

Beth Boddy is the correspondent for Perham, Wade and Washburn. She can be reached by calling 455-8427 or by e-mailing