‘Sara’s Serendipity’ show comes to Blue Moon Gallery

10 years ago

PT FS SACAP SHOW DCX 34 15761129Contributed photo
ARTIST’S SHOW — SACAP/Visions/Blue Moon Gallery is featuring the art of Sara D. Regent with the show “Sara’s Serendipity,” featuring Regent’s watercolor and acrylic paintings. A reception was held Friday at the gallery. The show runs through Sept. 25.

HOULTON — August’s SACAP/Visions/Blue Moon Gallery featured artist is Sara D. Regent. Some of Regent’s watercolor and acrylic paintings are on display in the gallery’s front window and her show “Sara’s Serendipity” began Friday with an opening reception.
Growing up in a family with an artistic background, Regent was the one that did nature photography. Living on Long Island N.Y., where potato fields were the scenery, like here in Aroostook County, Regent was happy to find a little camp in New Limerick. The scenery in both places have been an inspiration in her work as a photographer, as well as having had an influence on her as an artist as a whole.

She spent as much time doing creative projects as her work schedule permitted. Then retiring after 35 years with Suffolk County, she left her free to concentrate solely on her creative side. Since then she has learned about pastels, acrylics, pencil, pen and watercolor.
Esther Faulkner, a local teacher who she received instruction from after she moved to Maine, influenced her to finish watercolor projects once started. Regent found that she loved working with watercolors because they offer such creativity.
“I find the process very rewarding, fun and meditative,” she said.
“Sara’s Serendipity” runs until Sept 25. For more information, visit SACAP/Visions/Blue Moon Gallery on Facebook or call 532-9119 or email sacap@pioneercable.net. The gallery is located at 66 Main St. and is openTuesday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturday from noon to 2 p.m.
Contributed photo

PT FS ART SHOW DCX 33 15684301ON DISPLAY — The artwork of Sara D. Regent will be on display with the show “Sara’s Serendipity” at the SACAP/Visions/Blue Moon Gallery located on 66 Main St.