Market and deli opens on outer Sweden St.

10 years ago
By Christopher Bouchard
Staff Writer

CARIBOU — First Choice Market and Deli celebrated their grand opening last Thursday at the store located in the former Ouellette’s Variety building on Sweden Street.

Aroostook Republican Photo/Christopher Bouchard
A grand opening ribbon-cutting ceremony was held Thursday at Mike Cyr’s new store on outer Sweden Street in Caribou — First Choice Market and Deli. Participating in the Aug. 20 event, from left, were: Mayor Gary Aiken, City Councilor Tiffany Stewart, Penny Wickstrom from Pines Health Services and the Caribou Area Chamber of Commerce board of directors, Police Chief Mike Gahagan, Chamber Executive Director William Tasker, City Manager Austin Bless, owner Mike Cyr and six employees, and Peggy Smith from Katahdin Trust and the CACC board.  

Mike Cyr, owner of Mike’s Family Market in Limestone, owns the new establishment.

“We went through about three weeks of really hard work,” said Cyr. “I’m just glad that the store is up and running and it’s great to see people come in. I’m grateful to everyone who supported me along the way.”

Cyr was joined by several prominent figures in Caribou for the Aug. 20 ribbon-cutting ceremony, including Mayor Gary Aiken, City Councilor Tiffany Stewart, Police Chief Mike Gahagan and William Tasker, executive director for the Caribou Area Chamber of Commerce.

“I’m always ecstatic to see new businesses open in Caribou,” said Tasker. “This store has been here for decades under different names, and it’s great to have it opened by someone like Mike Cyr, who does a great job running Mike Cyr’s Family Market in Limestone.

“People who were going up to the lake or driving to the golf course missed this store when it was closed, so it is great to have it back,” Tasker added.